DC Database

Quote1 I know no pleasure in this life... my only satisfaction lives in purging the streets of such as you... in making you fear-- The Reaper! Quote2
The Reaper src

Joe Chill, Jr. is the son of the criminal Joe Chill, who briefly assumed the mantle of Reaper as part of a plan to drive Batman insane.

Joseph Chilton, Jr

Joseph Chilton, Jr.

Despite his father being abusive with his mother, Joe idolized him. After witnessed his father's death at the hands of the Reaper, Joe blamed Batman and became obsessed with obtaining vengeance against the hero. So he formulates a plan with his sister Marcia to drive Batman insane, impersonating the now-deceased Reaper.[1]

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Batman Villains 0003
DC Rebirth Logo

Batman Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, has been primarily an enemy of the Batman, or the Batman Family as a whole. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains."

Teen Titans Vol 6 3 Textless
DC Rebirth Logo

Robin Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of any of the young heroes who have been known as Robin. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Robin villains."
