DC Database
DC Database

Julia Kapatelis is a professor in ancient history and the adoptive mother of Diana of Themyscira while she lived in Metropolis.

Julia had a background in studying ancient history, particularly that of ancient Greece and the Amazons. She collected various Amazonian artefacts over the years including a kangaroo doll which had once belonged to Diana, as well as other more magical relics.[1] Outside of her studies Julia also had a daughter called Vanessa who eventually moved out when she went to college.

Some time after Vanessa left Julia encountered a homeless amazon girl called Diana, immediately recognising her by her armour, Julia invited Diana home to see the amazon relics she collected. After Diana recognising her long lost doll, Jumpa, Julia offered the girl Vanessa's old room for her to stay in as her home which Diana happily accepted.[2] The two subsequently fostered a very close, familiaral relationship with one another as Julia helped Diana navigate growing up in the world of men.[3]



