Justice League: Trinity War is a collected edition of all Trinity War issues published across several Justice League and Dark titles in 2013, chronicling the war and the events leading up to Forever Evil.
- The New 52: FCBD Special Edition #1 (Trinity War Preview)
- Trinity of Sin: Pandora #1 (Three Million Days)
- Justice League (Volume 2) #22 (Trinity War, Chapter One: The Death Card)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3) #6 (Trinity War, Chapter Two)
- Justice League Dark #22 (Trinity War, Chapter Three: House of Cards)
- Constantine #5 (Stealing Thunder, A Trinity War Interlude)
- Trinity of Sin: Pandora #2 (Drawing Blood)
- Trinity of Sin: The Phantom Stranger #11 (A Foolish Man)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3) #7 (Trinity War, Chapter Four)
- Trinity of Sin: Pandora #3 (Kick The Flood)
- Justice League Dark #23 (Trinity War, Chapter Five)
- Justice League (Volume 2) #23 (Trinity War, Chapter Six: Conclusion)