Eclipsed, Part I is an episode of season 2 of Justice League. It premiered on November 8, 2003.
Synopsis for "Eclipsed, Part I"
Appearing in "Eclipsed, Part I"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Mophir (First appearance)
- Heart of Darkness
- Fassan
- Artie Bauman (First appearance)
- Glorious Gordon Godfrey (First appearance)
- Ophidians (In a vision)
Other Characters:
- United States Army
- Burns (Single appearance)
- Chung (Single appearance; dies)
- Sarge (Single appearance; dies)
- General McCormick/Eclipso (First appearance)
- Rogues
- Captain Boomerang (actor)
- Heat Wave (actor)
- Mirror Master (actor)
- Bracelets of Submission
- Green Lantern Ring
- Lasso of Truth
- Lightspeed Energy Bars
- Trick Boomerangs
- Flashmobile (First appearance)
- No notes.
- On this episode, a Doctor Fredric is mentioned, probably a reference to Fredric Wertham, a psychiatrist and crusading author who protested the purportedly harmful effects of violent imagery in mass media and comic books on the development of children. This is further confirmed when Gordon Godfrey reads a book called The Innocent Seducted, which has a similar name to the original book, written by Wertham, called Seduction of the Innocent. The book suggests comic books are dangerous to children, similar to the TV Series, suggesting the heroes themselves are dangerous.
See Also
- 3 Images from Justice League (TV Series) Episode: Eclipsed, Part I
- Episodes of Justice League (TV Series)
- Images from Justice League (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Justice League (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References