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Katma informs the resistance that Despero will be able to expand his Legion by bringing in new converts. John decides to mobilize the Green Lantern Corps, and prepares to head to Oa. However, a Legion task force breaches the resistance's base. As Katma springs into action, John finds that he can't u

Quote1 The problem with half the Corps, you included, is that once you learn to use your rings like jackhammers, you forget the subtleties of manipulation and control. Quote2
Katma Tui

Hearts and Minds, Part II is an episode of season 2 of Justice League. It premiered on October 25, 2003.

Synopsis for "Hearts and Minds, Part II"

Katma informs the resistance that Despero will be able to expand his Legion by bringing in new converts. John decides to mobilize the Green Lantern Corps, and prepares to head to Oa. However, a Legion task force breaches the resistance's base. As Katma springs into action, John finds that he can't use his power ring. The resistance are fortunately intervened by the arrival of J'onn, Hawkgirl, Flash, and Kilowog.

The League and the resistance escape and regroup at a secondary base, ancient catacombs with untranslated inscriptions. J'onn is able to interpret some of the inscriptions, and they indicate that Kalanor was once a thriving ecosystem, instead of the desert world of today. Meanwhile, John and Katma are trying to figure out what is wrong with John's ring. Katma realizes that Despero did something to John, who does admit that he feels like something is missing. Katma decides that the only way to help John is to retrain him. Though John has trouble concentrating with his ring.

Much later, J'onn reasoned that Despero is using the Py'tar to power his Legion, similar to the energy used by the Green Lanterns. The League have to destroy the flame of Py'tar to defeat Despero, but Katma says that the Py'tar is a self-sustaining nuclear plasma reaction. But Kilowog have an idea of building a carbon bomb that will negate the reaction.

Despero is soon approached by Radocko, who betrays the resistance as he wishes to join of what he sees as the winning side. Despero dispatch his forces accompanied by Py'tar-empowered soldiers in raiding the resistance's location. Flash, J'onn, and Kilowog are able to escape with the carbon bomb but John, Katma, and Hawkgirl are captured. The three are brought to Despero, who then infuse Katma with the Py'tar and bound her to his will. Despero prepares to do the same to Hawkgirl, considering making her part of his personal retinue. With an act of sheer willpower, John summons his power ring to him, frees himself, and blast Despero away from Hawkgirl. He and Despero battle in the caverns under the palace in which John punches Despero's third eye, leaving a Green Lantern symbol over the lids.

J'onn, Kilowog, and Flash make it to the Py'tar chamber with the carbon bomb. Just as Kilowog prepares the bomb, J'onn stops him and states that the Py'tar is a sentient being. J'onn wishes to communicate with it and instantly jumps into the Py'tar before he can elaborate to the others. Despero's soldiers and priests burst into the chamber but J'onn rises from the pit, having telepathically bonded with the Py'tar. Speaking through J'onn, the Py'tar says that it is the natural life-force of Kalanor, which was suppressed eons ago. Despero was to release the Py'tar and let it restore Kalanor's ecosystem, but used it for his own ends. To accept the paradise offered by the Py'tar, Kalanor must disavow Despero. The Kalanorians does so and bow down to the Py'tar. J'onn is release from the Py'tar, which then turns into a great tree.

Without the Py'tar under his control, Despero loses his power and is consumed by a tree. Before being completely absorb, Despero sees a vision of the true paradise the Py'tar had hoped to create, and is fully at peace. Despero's Legion empowered by the Py'tar are turn into trees and Kalanor is cover in green foliage. The Kalanorians are left to rebuild their lives all over, as Katma and Kilowog decide to stay and help as well. The League heads back to Earth. John tells Hawkgirl that some things can't be taught, but they can only be learned through experience.

Appearing in "Hearts and Minds, Part II"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Despero (Dies)
  • Legion of the Third Eye (Final appearance)
  • Franzee (Single appearance)
  • Krizblak (Single appearance)





  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

