DC Database

The Justice League regroup with Batman, who found news on Felix Faust's background. At the office of where Faust worked, Batman explains to his team that Faust was a respected professor of archaeology, until he lost his position for dabbling in black magic and having heretical ideas. Batman had read

Quote1 Do my eyes deceive me? Can it be my dearest Hippolyta, here to greet her lord and master on his triumphant return from... ah, but you know where I've been. Quote2

Paradise Lost, Part II is an episode of season 1 of Justice League. It premiered on January 28, 2002.

Synopsis for "Paradise Lost, Part II"

The Justice League regroup with Batman, who found news on Felix Faust's background. At the office of where Faust worked, Batman explains to his team that Faust was a respected professor of archaeology, until he lost his position for dabbling in black magic and having heretical ideas. Batman had read from Faust's diary that there are repeated references to 'Tartarus'. Wonder Woman recognize that Tartarus is the Underworld ruled by the god Hades - Faust is working for him. Diana further explains that Hades was Hippolyta's lover before he was banished for betraying the Olympian Gods to the Titans and punished to forever guarding the gate to Tartarus. The artifacts that Faust is searching for is a key to opening the gate, located beneath Themyscira, to freeing Hades.

The League prepare to prevent Faust's plans from happening. Wonder Woman returns to Themyscira and bringing the artifacts to Faust. The sorcerer attempts to betray Diana and holds out his medallion to turn her to stone, but Flash takes the medallion and the other Leaguers ambush Faust. However, Faust is too formidable with his magic and captures the League in thorny vines. He takes a restored Hippolyta and chains her out in front of the gate as it is open, which Hades then enters.

After being freed, Hades is demanded by Faust to honor their promise in return for freeing the god: ultimate knowledge. But Hades grants his version of ultimate knowledge to Faust - mortality - causing him to age rapidly. Wonder Woman and the League manage to free themselves and confront Hades. A great battle ensues in which Hades summon an army of skeletons to fight the heroes. Wonder Woman manages to destroy the key, causing the gate to close and suck Hades, his minions, and Faust to Tartarus. Hades attempt to take Hippolyta with him, but Diana is able to pull her mother free before the gate closes. The Amazons are return to normal when Flash pulls out Faust's medallion that is touched by sunlight which breaks the spell.

Hippolyta honored the League for their help, but she reluctantly exile Diana from Themyscira because she had broken the Amazons' sacred law for bringing outsiders to the island. Diana, who is shaken by her mother's decree, accepts the ruling and depart her former home with the League.

Appearing in "Paradise Lost, Part II"

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