DC Database

"The Terrible Truth": After having been summoned, Ariel Masters travelled to Takron-Galtos to meet the resurrected Justice League and Sheriff Aaban Tariq where she reveals herse

Quote1 What's this crap about murder? Nobody was murdered! The greatest hero who ever lived -- and four of his team-mates -- were brought back to life! Quote2

Justice League 3000 #4 is an issue of the series Justice League 3000 (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2014. It was published on March 12, 2014.

Synopsis for "The Terrible Truth"

After having been summoned, Ariel Masters travelled to Takron-Galtos to meet the resurrected Justice League and Sheriff Aaban Tariq where she reveals herself to be the progenitor of the League having "birthed" them.

Having revealed to the heroes that they were spawned from living people Aaban throws away his disguise and unveils himself to be The Convert, one of The Five, as Kali watches.

In her prison Green Lantern is berated by Locus for not loving her and in a fit of rage she throws him into space without his protective shroud - sentencing him to death.

All the while, the Wonder Twins Terry and Teri come to terms with the Flash's death and resurrect him alongside Firestorm.

Appearing in "The Terrible Truth"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Scientists




  • Transversal

See Also

Links and References
