Justice League Action. It premiered on December 7, 2017.
Synopsis for "The Goddess Must Be Crazy"
Wonder Woman and Supergirl are sparring on each other over the skies of Themyscira. During the training, Supergirl gets smashed into a horse's statue, and both women take a break. Diana and Kara chat for a bit, and Wonder Woman mentions her mother Queen Hippolyta has protected the island with a spell which throws out any man who dares to set foot on the island. Their break over, they resume their training.
Unfortunately, the horse's statue was a nearly literal Trojan Horse for Felix Faust, who was looking for a way to sneak in Themyscira and loot the place. In order to get around Hippolyta's spell, Faust quickly takes over Supergirl's body and assails Wonder Woman. As defending herself, Wonder Woman manages to lasso Supergirl and forces her to touch the ground. Felix Faust is instantly detected, ripped from Kara's body and cast out into the ocean.
Appearing in "The Goddess Must Be Crazy"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Queen Hippolyta (Mentioned only)
- No notes.
The name of episode is a reference to 1980 movie The Gods Must Be Crazy
See Also
- Images from Justice League Action (Shorts) Episode: The Goddess Must Be Crazy
- Episodes of Justice League Action (Shorts)
- Images from Justice League Action (Shorts)
- Gallery for the Justice League Action (Shorts) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.