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Space Cabbie wraps up a long shift and looks forward to going to Al's Diner when he's intercepted by Superman's body smashing into his rear window: Jonas Glim and [[Lobo (Justice Le

Quote1 We owe you big time, Cabbie. Quote2

Follow That Space Cab! is an episode of season 1 of Justice League Action. It premiered on January 21, 2017.

Synopsis for "Follow That Space Cab!"

Space Cabbie wraps up a long shift and looks forward to going to Al's Diner when he's intercepted by Superman's body smashing into his rear window: Jonas Glim and Lobo are on the hunt for Mister Mind and Superman is trying to save his life. Superman calls for backup from the Justice League.

Hawkman answers the call and Lobo's dirty tricks have him on the ropes. Superman comes to his aid and the two pummel Lobo while Cabbie watches. In the commotion, Mister Mind manages to escape his prison and rewires the Space Cab. Cabbie tricks the villain by pretending to be a fan and trying to take a selfie. The flash on his camera blinds the caterpillar and he's apprehended again until Lobo smashes him. He sops up some of the juice off his boot to use as proof that he got his bounty and drives off on his Spacehog.

Little does Lobo realize that Mind can regenerate and he grows back in the Justice League Watchtower. Superman crushes some carbon into a diamond to pay Cabbie for his fare and the two heroes give him a selfie before he goes back to deep space.

Appearing in "Follow That Space Cab!"

Featured Characters:


  • Boss Kack (First appearance)
  • Lobo (First appearance)
  • Mister Mind (Flashback and main story) (First appearance)

Other Characters:





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  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

  • None.


Superboy Vol 4 69
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