DC Database

Superman is called to Stryker's Island Penitentiary, where Parasite is causing a ruckus. He quickly puts a stop to the villain but Parasite manages to absorb the properties of a nearby meteor, making him strong, tough,

Quote1 Here you are: the main course! Quote2

Power Outage is an episode of season 1 of Justice League Action. It premiered on December 16, 2016.

Synopsis for "Power Outage"

Superman is called to Stryker's Island Penitentiary, where Parasite is causing a ruckus. He quickly puts a stop to the villain but Parasite manages to absorb the properties of a nearby meteor, making him strong, tough, and able to control vast amounts of heat. Superman ensures that the prison is under control while his teammate Wonder Woman pursues Parasite and Superman's best friend Jimmy Olsen films their battle in Centennial Park.

Wonder Woman is relentless in fighting the villain but his energy-absorbing powers allow him to keep up with her. Superman comes to her aid but his punches also make Parasite stronger. The fight endangers hundreds of civilians and the heroes can barely keep up with him: they re becoming exhausted and they learn that their foe is actually being aided by the Brothers Djinn to devastate Earth and distract the Justice League as part of their efforts to ruin humanity. The meteor was actually Calythos, who has merged with Parasite's body.

Martian Manhunter materializes and briefly confounds the two villains. Parasite absorbs the abilities of the Manhunter with ease but he also internalizes his vulnerability to fire: this renders him weakened and horrified by the lava-powered sword the Brothers Djinn have given him and it forces the two entities apart. The Leaguers easily apprehend them and head off to find the other Brothers Djinn and stop their rampage.

Appearing in "Power Outage"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Calythos (First full appearance) (Final appearance)
  • Parasite (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • The 'power outage' referred to in the title is obviously the heroes' loss of super-powers and not a cut in electricity supply.
  • Calythos' defeat in this episode is similar to the defeat of Parasite during his first battle with Superman in Superman: The Animated Series. Both involved the villain who can absorb powers absorbing a weakness of the hero, although there is the small twist of the villain absorbing his own element.
  • Superman's line saying he can not leap tall buildings in a single bound is a reference to the 1940s Fleischer Superman cartoons.
  • One of the storyboard artists, Jay Baker, has posted images and animated clips with sound from an early production stage of this episode.


  • No trivia.

See Also

Recommended Media

Links and References

  • None.

