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"Lost and Found": After the battle with the Eskaton Demons, the Astro-Runner is inoperable and adrift. The only chance of repair is a debris belt that has accumulated outside of the limits of the universe. Jessica Cruz sends a reluctant [[Arla Hax (

Quote1 We are in Dead Space, outside the physical limits of the universe, so it's our only chance for survival. Quote2
Arla Hax

Justice League Odyssey #16 is an issue of the series Justice League Odyssey (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2020. It was published on December 11, 2019.

Synopsis for "Lost and Found"

After the battle with the Eskaton Demons, the Astro-Runner is inoperable and adrift. The only chance of repair is a debris belt that has accumulated outside of the limits of the universe. Jessica Cruz sends a reluctant Arla Hax, Red Lantern Dex-Starr, and Queen Blackfire into the derelict ships to gather spare parts. Jessica will speak to Orion alone.

Orion responds rudely to Jessica's questioning — as well as her assuming command — until she reminds him that she endured Darkseid "nuking" her and returned to life. Orion has nothing that she is afraid of, so he gives in and answers her question.

On New Genesis they had seen the signs that Darkseid would return from his latest death and rebirth.[1] And fearing the fall of the Source Wall, the New Gods had brought the Omega Titan, Wonder, to the Justice League. Yet the League had failed, and the New Gods were unmade. Orion thought that only he and Darkseid remained; and that Darkseid had caused the end of the universe to bolster his position. And all blame laid with the Justice League, for destabalizing Darkseid and destroying the Source Wall.

Once Jessica Cruz heard why Orion wouldn't trust her, she corrected him: the universe was ending because of Perpetua and Darkseid's machinations were solely to escape her. Their discussion is cut short as an alert shows an intruder on board.

A scavenger named Gamma Knife has come aboard, looking for power sources for her unknown benefactor. She and her neuro-drones are drawn to the inert cube of Eskaton Demons, and Gamma Knife cuts it loose. Jessica and Orion resist, and find out that her knife cuts through anything. When Jessica has hold of her, Gamma Knife is amazed that she is Justice League — and Jessica is amazed that Suzi "Gamma Knife" is Space Ranger's daughter.

On a derelict ship, Blackfire and Dex-Starr debate the perkiness of Arla Hax, until they are beset by some kind of ancient robot drones.

Back on the Astro-Runner, Orion is blasted by an unknown foe, and Gamma Knife takes the opportunity to flee with the Eskaton cube. Jessica is blasted next, and standing over her is Darkseid's New God, Xotar. Behind him stands the New God of Code, Cyborg, and the Para-Angels.

Appearing in "Lost and Found"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Astro-Harness (Flashback only) (Cameo)
  • Astro-Runner
  • Kol-Har-Ra Jump Carrier (Real name revealed) (First full appearance) (Destroyed)



See Also

Links and References

  1. Darkseid died in Justice League (Volume 2) #50 and returned as an infant.