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"Designing Humans!": Mister Nebula watches as the citizens of a planet complain about what he has done with their world. Mr. Nebula comments that he gets no respect for redesigning planets and decides to move to a different world but realizes his herald [[Dren Keeg (N

Justice League Quarterly #2 is an issue of the series Justice League Quarterly (Volume 1) with a cover date of March, 1991.

Synopsis for "Designing Humans!"

Mister Nebula watches as the citizens of a planet complain about what he has done with their world. Mr. Nebula comments that he gets no respect for redesigning planets and decides to move to a different world but realizes his herald The Scarlet Skier has disappeared. Mister Nebula sends a rprobe to fetch The Scarlet Skier.

In the Rio De Janeiro headquarters of the Justice League International G'nort and The Scarlet Skier are swimming in the pool while Ernesto Lopez and Inez Luisa watch in horror. They see Mister Nebula's probe so The Scarlet Skier tells G'nort to destroy it. The probe escapes because G'nort stops to save The Scarlet Skier who tells him to stop the probe. Mister Nebula gets the probe and decides to redecorate the planet while he picks up his herald.

The Scarlet Skier is brought to the Martian Manhunter who listens to his hysterical screaming and convinces him to tell him who Mister Nebula is. Scarlet Skier tells of The Lords of Order named Jakk and St'nn who took up corporeal form. They get drunk at a bar and decide to visit the new temple to the Lords of Order. Kirtan-Rodd the designer of the temple chases them off because the temple isn't open but St'nn is angry at him so he sends him to a different dimension and returns to godly form. Kirtan-Rodd appears in the dimension of garish colors which he deems divine. He stays in that dimension for a long time and becomes a demi-god. When he finds a gap in reality and sees the normal universe and decides to redecorate it becoming Mister Nebula.

J'onn J'onzz is annoyed by the story and complains to Ice about the situation saying they are the only one's there. Mister Nebula appears in ocean and creates land masses so he can see what he is redecorating. The Scarlet Skier is sent to the hospital for being hysterical and J'onn J'onzz alerts the rest of the League to prepare for the possible threat. In London Crimson Fox is sent to help the J.L.A. guard against Mister Nebula. On the Brooklyn Bridge Martian Manhunter, Ice, G'nort, Crimson Fox and Blue Jay wait for Mister Nebula with Captain Smerdyakov but discover that he came the other way from where they set up. G'nort try's to freeze the water but causes a giant wave to almost destroy the bridge. Ice and Crimson Fox climb up Mister Nebula and freeze his inner ear. Mister Nebula gets woozy and falls on the ground and throws up. Martian Manhunter talks to him and shows him Las Vegas to show him the people of Earth appreciate him so he leaves. When Mr. Nebula reaches space he remembers why he came to Earth and summons him after redesigning his costume

Appearing in "Designing Humans!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Lords of Order (Flashback only)
    • Jakk (Single appearance)
    • St'nn (Single appearance)
  • Captain Smerdyakov (Single appearance)
  • Raskolnikov (Single appearance)
  • Dr. Doolotz (Single appearance)




Synopsis for "Running Hot and Cold!"

Leonard Snart and Mick Rory are in a bar complaining about their life since Flash died when Leonard Snart proposes that they go on a simple robbery for old time's sake. Fire and Ice are shopping. They walk past a jewlery store that Captain Cold and Heat Wave are robbing and Fire decides that if they stop them they could get rewards. Captain Cold and Heat Wave make sure everyone knows that no one got hurt before finding the front door frozen. The police come to arrest Fire and Ice because Ice froze off the entire block but Fire flies away when she realizes that the criminals took the back door. Fire starts chasing them down giving them great delight. When Ice sees Fire chasing Captain Cold and Heatwave she follows them to see that they escaped into a subway tunnel with the way through frozen. Before long Heat Wave melts the ice because a train is coming. Captain Cold freezes Fire's head to take her out but Ice freezes Heat Wave so Captain Cold runs away before Fire catches him. Ice realizes that Heat Wave can't breathe so she unfreezes him before the police show up. Martian Manhunter is on monitor duty when Fire calls and tells him she and Ice were arrested.

Appearing in "Running Hot and Cold!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • Running Hot and Cold!: In the subway, a man very seemed with Clark Kent call the attention of Ice to the fact Heatwave isn't breathing under that ice. It could be that that really was Clark Kent, and he decided not to interfere so as not to overshadow the heroine duo, but nothing is explicit.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
