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"The Most Dangerous Earth of All": With the Justice League of America of Earth-One defeated by the Crime Syndicate of America of Earth-Three, the latter decides to choose Earth-Two as the final battle

Justice League of America #30 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1964.

Synopsis for "The Most Dangerous Earth of All"

With the Justice League of America of Earth-One defeated by the Crime Syndicate of America of Earth-Three, the latter decides to choose Earth-Two as the final battle ground between both Earths, however have targeted the only opposition on that Earth: The Justice Society of America. However, before the CSA can arrive, the JLA are able to warn the JSA about the CSA's previous victory from saying the word "Volthoom".

Hawkman battle Johnny Quick, Black Canary battles Super Woman, Dr. Fate battles Power Ring, Hour Man battles Owl Man, and Star Man battles Ultra Man. In each battle, the JSA members manage to defeat the CSA members, however this was anticipated and this time Power Ring set his ring to transport the JSA members to Earth-Three should they manage to defeat the JSA members.

Transporting the JLA members to Earth-Two for their final combat against the CSA, each JLA member is forced to fight a CSA member. Superman battling Ultra Man, Green Lantern fighting Power Ring, Wonder Woman fighting Super Woman, Flash against Johnny Quick and Batman fighting Owl Man. Each JLA member manages to defeat their CSA counterpart. And upon victory the JLA banishes the CSA in a bubble between worlds and free the JSA from imprisonment. With the CSA defeated, both teams return to their respective Earths.

Appearing in "The Most Dangerous Earth of All"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • None



  • Owlman is also referred to as "Batman" in this issue.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

JLA v.1 21
Multiversal Crossover
The events from this issue or series involve a Multiversal Crossover between Pre-Crisis worlds and characters. This template will categorize articles that include it into the Pre-Crisis Multiverse Crossover category.
See also Post-Crisis Multiverse Crossovers.