DC Database

"The Origin of the Justice League": Gathered together to celebrate the third anniversary of the formation of the Justice League, the founding members tell Snapper Carr and Green Arrow the story of h

Justice League of America #9 is an issue of the series Justice League of America (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1962.

Synopsis for "The Origin of the Justice League"

Gathered together to celebrate the third anniversary of the formation of the Justice League, the founding members tell Snapper Carr and Green Arrow the story of how the team first got together.

Aliens from the planet Appellax came to Earth following the death of their ruler in order for a representatives of each race to vie for leadership over the planet by waging war on Earth. The last remaining after their war would become Appellax's leader. Each Appellaxian was encased in a meteor and rocketed to Earth. After each of the creatures emerged from their meteor pods, they began using their special abilities to transform Earth's inhabitants - humans and animals alike - into beings that resembled their individual makeups. Following their arrival the members of the Justice League, though not yet in league with one another, begin to respond and combat the creatures.

Martian Manhunter fought a stone being, and after his success travels to another meteor that has not yet birthed a creature. But, upon his arrival begins to transform to wood. The same happened to the others, they'd fight the nearest opponent and then travel to the one that transformed Martian Manhunter into wood, and become wood themselves. Eventually Aquaman, Green Lantern, Flash and Wonder Woman all became trapped and slowly be transformed into trees. However, they worked together combining their powers and abilities to free themselves, stop the tree-like alien, and restore themselves to normal. Traveling to the north, they teamed up with Batman and Superman who were already facing the final invader, whose meteor's Kryptonite composition was weakening the Man of Steel.

Defeating this final foe and saving Superman, the assembled group of heroes then decide to work again in the future. And thus, the Justice League of America was born.

Appearing in "The Origin of the Justice League"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Appellaxian Meteor Ships



  • The ceratodus is believed to have become extinct sometime around the beginning of the Eocene Epoch. How could Aquaman summon it...?

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

The Brave and the Bold 28
Justice League Origins
DC Bullet 2024

Origin stories for how the Justice League of America came together have had multiple retellings over the years. Although numerous attempts have been made at writing a definitive origin story, the true history of the team has spanned many decades and many changes.
