DC Database

"Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong": Godzilla has arrived at the shores of Metropolis and Superman attempts to reason with him. Unfortunately, his pleas fall on deaf ears, and a fight begins. Godzilla hits him with his tail. The hit sends Superman into the premises of the Daily Planet, ju

Quote1 A "big problem" is what he called it. Quote2

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #2 is an issue of the series Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2024. It was published on November 21, 2023.

Synopsis for "Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong"

Godzilla has arrived at the shores of Metropolis and Superman attempts to reason with him. Unfortunately, his pleas fall on deaf ears, and a fight begins. Godzilla hits him with his tail. The hit sends Superman into the premises of the Daily Planet, just in time for the Flash to arrive, ready to provide assistance. Superman gets back into the fight, while Flash helps civillians evacuate.

The rest of the Justice League mobilizes to contain the threat, just as they receive messages that the Titans have been appearing in multiple parts of the world, such as Gotham City and Themyscira. Hawkgirl goes to Metropolis to help Superman; Flash, Green Lantern and Supergirl go to Central City; Wonder Woman, Green Arrow and Wonder Girl go to Themyscira, and Batman and his Family will defend Gotham. Cyborg and Black Canary also go to Gotham and help Batman.

En route to Themyscira, Wonder Woman and Green Arrow spot a mysterious island. According to Green Arrow, there is not supposed to be an island on this part of the ocean and volunteers to investigate, saying that this isn't his first time on a deserted island. Wonder Woman agrees to Green Arrow's suggestion and departs to Themyscira.

On the Legion of Doom's headquarters, Cheetah and Black Manta monitor the Titans' rampage across the world. Black Manta tells Cheetah that the stone used by Toyman was the legendary Dreamstone, a magical artifact that can grant wish and turn dreams into reality. Lex finds himself back in his office at Lexcorp, just when Metropolis has become a battleground. Deducing that Toyman is somehow behind his mess, Lex tells Mercy to meet him at their bunker.

At the Daily Planet, Lois also watches the battle, worried for Superman's safety, until Jimmy grabs her hand and takes her to the exit. Superman and Hawkgirl have been trying to lure Godzilla away from Metropolis, but so far, they haven't had any luck.

Over at Gotham, Batman and Batwoman use their Batplanes to engage Camazotz in a dogfight, while the rest of the Batman Family evacuate civilians. Unfortunately, conventional weapons are useless against Camazotz's tough hide, so Red Hood prepares to shoot it in one of its eyes, despite Batman's protests that Camazotz is still in a heavily populated area. Red Hood takes the shot and hits Camazotz's left eye. The monster turns its attention to Red Hood and blasts him with a sonic attack. Red Hood barely dodges the blast, but the debris is about to fall on helpless civilians until they are saved by Black Canary and Batgirl hits Red Hood for putting civilians in danger.

Cyborg has formulated a plan of attack: since Camazotz uses sonic attacks, it must mean it's vulnerable to sonic attacks, as well, so they will attack it with a sonic blast of their own. The heroes use an engine from the Batplane and turn it into a sonic amplifier while Batman lures Camazotz into a secluded area. Batman rams his plane into Camazotz, disorienting it long enough for Black Canary to hit it with her Canary Cry. The plan works and Camazotz is incapacitated.

The battle in Metropolis is not going in the heroes' favor. While Superman and Hawkgirl have kept Godzilla's attention from them, they have been unable to push him out of the city. Even when they get assistance from Shazam, Godzilla refuses to yield. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath, but Superman counters with his heat vision, commencing a beam struggle. Both opponents are evenly matched, but Shazam has an idea.

He flies to Godzilla's head and summons the living lightning. Godzilla is briefly disoriented but Shazam turns into Billy and falls off Godzilla's head, only to be catched by Superman. Unfortunately, before Billy can say the magic word, Godzilla attacks them with his atomic breath. Superman shields Billy from the blast but is left severely injured and falls to the streets below. Billy rushes to Superman's side while Godzilla continues his rampage.

Appearing in "Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong"

Featured Characters:

  • Justice League
    • Batman (Bruce Wayne)
    • Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (First appearance)
    • Black Canary (Dinah Drake) (First appearance)
    • Cyborg (Victor Stone) (First appearance)
    • The Flash (Barry Allen)
    • Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
    • Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
    • Shazam (Billy Batson) (First appearance)
    • Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)
    • Superman (Clark Kent) (Apparent death)
    • Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)

Supporting Characters:

  • Bat-Family (First appearance)
    • Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) (First appearance)
    • Batwoman (Kate Kane) (First appearance)
    • Nightwing (Dick Grayson) (First appearance)
    • Red Hood (Jason Todd) (First appearance)
    • Robin (Damian Wayne) (First appearance)
  • Jimmy Olsen (First appearance)
  • Lois Lane


Other Characters:

  • Mercy Graves (First appearance)
  • Captain Cold (Mentioned only)
  • Giganta (Mentioned only)
  • Gorilla Grodd (Mentioned only)






  • The Monsterverse's Skull Island has been displaced to the League's universe.

See Also

Links and References
