DC Database
DC Database

Clark Kent (born Kal-El) was native to an alternate future, where Lex Luthor gave up his campaign for the Kansas State Senate in 2005.

Clark became a full reporter for the Daily Planet in December of 2013. He was close to Lex and Lana Luthor. Their son, Alex, came to view Clark as an uncle.


  • Clark Kent was portrayed by Tom Welling.
  • Clark never displays any powers in the episode.
  • This version of Clark Kent seemingly differs from his Earth-1 counterpart.
    • This Clark became a reporter for the Daily Planet in 2013. The Clark Kent of Earth-1 became a reporter for the Daily Planet in 2008.[1]
    • This version of Clark Kent does not wear glasses in 2013, a disguise that (along with a mild-mannered persona) the Clark Kent of Earth-1 assumed full-time in 2011.[2]
    • It is unknown if this version of Clark Kent have assumed a superhero persona by 2013. No hints or references are made to there being a costumed superhero in Metropolis. The Clark of Earth-1 became "the Blur" in 2008[3] and Superman in 2011.[4]



Daily Planet The Batman Strikes! 01
DC Bullet 2024

Daily Planet Staff member
This character is or was an employee of the Daily Planet, a daily newspaper based in Metropolis. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Daily Planet Staff members" category.
