Red Trinity, consisting of Anatole, Bebeck, and Cassiopeia, was created by Dr. Pytor Orloff of the Puleski Institute. They were modeled after the American superhero Flash.
Anatole and Bebeck had wanted to leave the Soviet Union for America, but Cassiopeia did not want to abandon their motherland. However, when the Flash came to take Dr. Orloff to America to help save Dr. Jerry McGee, they all agreed to go.
After battling Blue Trinity on the Finnish border, all three of them and the Flash collapsed. They were sent to Syracuse University Hospital to be treated. After recovering, they tried contacting the Flash, but couldn't get a hold of him. When they went to his mansion, they found him under attack by Blue Trinity. Fortunately, they were able to drive the villains away, or Flash would have been badly injured.
Excited with the prospects of American capitalism, the three of them formed the Kapitalist Kourier Service, Inc., a high-speed courier service.
Kapitalist Kourier soon grew to overwhelming popularity with the press, getting all sorts of great assignments, often booking their schedules several weeks in advance. They have devoted a half of a day every Friday to charity work.
- After migrating to America but before adopting new uniforms and changing their team name to Kapitalist Kouriers, the members of Red Trinity had hopes of joining the Teen Titans. Flash (Wally West) notes that he thinks they do not have the skills or experience to do so.[1]
See Also
- 14 Appearances of Kapitalist Kouriers
- 1 Images that include Kapitalist Kouriers
- Team Gallery: Kapitalist Kouriers
Links and References