DC Database
DC Database

In prehistoric times, this region had other inhabitants, the so-called "Dragon People", mostly dwarfs with some giants among them. They had been driven underground many years earlier, but had partly emerged to claim control of the nation's water and sewer systems. A local white-collar criminal [

Karlovna had the same problems as every other nation in Europe emerging from the Second World War, plus one that was unique to itself.


In prehistoric times, this region had other inhabitants, the so-called "Dragon People", mostly dwarfs with some giants among them. They had been driven underground many years earlier, but had partly emerged to claim control of the nation's water and sewer systems. A local white-collar criminal Wilna had dressed herself up as the Dragon Queen and she earned these primitive people's trust, enough to become their leader. For a time, she and her boss Rambin, an unscrupulous banker, ran the Karlovnan underworld, but ultimately their operation was shut down by the Blackhawk Squadron.

Points of Interest

  • Underworld


See Also
