DC Database

Katherine "Kate" Kane is a Gotham City vigilante known as Batwoman and the cousin of Bruce Wayne.

On one occasion, Batman contacted his cousin Kate Kane and met with her at the Batcave to show her mysterious security camera footage of Two-Face robbing both a bank and a diamond store at the exact same time. Batman believed that the real Two-Face was the one at the bank, while the individual at the diamond store appeared to be a robot. In order to stop the original and the duplicate, Batman and Batwoman decided to split up; Batwoman took the Batcycle to go to the diamond store and fight the robot, while Batman drove the Batmobile to the bank in order to apprehend the real Dent. However, after Batwoman knocked out Two-Face's henchmen at the diamond store, she found out that she was actually facing Dent himself and not the robot, as Two-Face was able to trick Batman and Batwoman by trading places with his robot doppelganger. In the meantime, Batman managed to destroy the Two-Face robot at the Gotham City Bank. Batwoman chased Two-Face into the run-down Gotham City Steelworks, where the former district attorney tried to take her out by utilizing the rafters above to swing a steel beam in her direction. Luckily, Batwoman was able to jump on top of the beam and then leaped towards Two-Face to push him off the rafters. The villain proceeded to fall into a safety net that Batman installed at the industrial plant shortly before. Following his defeat, Batwoman and Batman then successfully took Dent into custody.[1]

Batwoman once also teamed up with Batman to look into two unusual robberies that involved Joker Toxin. With the help of their pet hyenas Crackers and Giggles, the Joker and Harley Quinn were able to abduct Batwoman when she investigated the Gotham City black market where the venom was sold. The villains took her to the Gotham City Stadium as part of a bigger scheme that involved infecting the present crowd of Gotham Knights fans with a watered-down dose of Joker Venom. Batman later arrived at the stadium to intercept the Joker, giving Batwoman the opportunity to free herself by cutting through the ropes that were used to tie her up. A fight then ensued during which Batman and Batwoman were able to defeat and arrest the Joker and Harley Quinn.[2]







Batman Allies
Batman Family member
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was an incarnation of or an ally of Batman, and a member of the Batman Family. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Batman Family members" category.
