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"Chapter Seven: Green Hell": One of Zod's soldiers who was sent to investigate the lower levels of the ship finds two of the conspirators dead and one, a G'newtian named G'raffe, severely wounded and barely alive. Meanwhile in maximum security, Zod battles the insane Emerald Empress, who believe

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Quote1 Tell me something, General -- have you ever heard of the Eye of Ekron...? Quote2

Kneel Before Zod #7 is an issue of the series Kneel Before Zod (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 2024. It was published on July 3, 2024.

Synopsis for "Chapter Seven: Green Hell"

One of Zod's soldiers who was sent to investigate the lower levels of the ship finds two of the conspirators dead and one, a G'newtian named G'raffe, severely wounded and barely alive. Meanwhile in maximum security, Zod battles the insane Emerald Empress, who believes he is an aristocrat named Duke Pharos who enslaved and tormented her. As they fight, several inmates each try to claim the Emerald Eye for themselves but it blasts them away. The Eye hits Zod with a massive energy blast, and by the time he recovers the Empress has escaped.

On the bridge, Zod meets with UEL-9 and Myrrz. When Zod mentions that the Empress thought he was Duke Pharos, Myrrz recognises the name as the ruler of Orando and starts to tell Zod about the eye. Before he can say much a prisoner runs up to the bridge and tells them that two inmates are about to fight to the death in the main hangar. The Empress comes down as the fight is beginning and attacks them all. Zod again flies in and attacks the eye directly, knocking it away. Jarmax, one of the prisoners who were fighting, grabs the eye again but it burns her with magic fire and she drops to the ground.

Zod squares off the with Empress, when the ship is suddenly rocked by a huge impact: the head of Ekron has attacked the ship and begins eating into it. While the Empress is distracted a White Martian prisoner tries to attack her from behind. She sees him coming and blasts fire at him, but Zod jumps in front of the fire and shoots the Empress with his heat vision, saying he will not allow her to murder his soldiers. Zod and the Empress wrestle in the hangar and G'raffe painfully drags himself to the hangar from the medical bay. He opens the hangar, and Zod, the Empress and the Eye are sucked out into space. The eye flies into its socket in Ekron's head and he swallows Zod and the Empress whole. Ekron begins to fly away, but as he goes he vomits up Zod.

G'raffe says that they can now take the ship on their own reign of terror, but Zod re-enters through the airlock. He angrily tells the Legion that they were nothing before he found them, and that he is the only thing that can give them a greater purpose; but they still haven't learned the first lesson of a soldier, which is to pay allegiance to their leader. He says that none of them have what it takes to challenge him and they are all weak. Jarmax pledges allegiance to Zod, but he freezes her solid and kicks her head off saying "Too little. Too late".

Back on the bridge, UEL-9 scans for any port they could reach to make repairs and detects a massive power source dead ahead: Sinestro.

Appearing in "Chapter Seven: Green Hell"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Ekron (First appearance; unnamed)
  • Emerald Empress/Falyce (Post-Rebirth) (Apparent Death)
  • G'raffe (Revealed to be alive)
  • Red Lantern (Sinestro) (Cameo)

Other Characters:

  • Fruzgin (Appears only as a corpse)
  • Orandans
    • Duke Pharos (Post-Rebirth) (First appearance) (Hallucination)
  • G'Newtians (Mentioned only)
  • Phoenixes (Mentioned only)
  • United Planets (Mentioned only)
  • Venegarians (Mentioned only)
  • Zaroxians (Mentioned only)




  • UPCC Dereliction



See Also

Links and References
