DC Database

Korg, also known as Sinson, is a young Korugaran thief who claims to be the son of Sinestro. He is one half of the Sinister Sons alongside Lor-Zod.

Six years ago, a Korugaran woman left her young child on the planet Xela with a petty crime boss named Nagaf. As she never told Nagaf the child's real name, he nicknamed the boy "Korg" after the planet Korugar. Korg's mother promised to come back for him but never returned. She left him with a syringe with the name "Sinestro" stamped on it.[1]

"Korg" became part of a gang of street children who worked for Nagaf in exchange for minimal food and protection. Convinced he was the son of the notorious Sinestro, he was desperate to make his mark and prove that he was more than just a thieving urchin. He took on more ambitious heists but also tried to follow his supposed father's idea of justice by acting as a vigilante, for example stealing money from organ traffickers while also returning the stolen organs to the hospital.[2][1]

Korg skimmed some of the money he stole rather than pay it to Nagaf, and spent it on junk parts to build a rocket; planning to escape Xela, find Sinestro and take his DNA to prove that he was his son. When his rocket was complete he attempted to lift off, but Nagaf had followed him to where he had been building it and shot him down.[3]

Nagaf had the rest of the urchins destroy the ship and smashed Korg's syringe, telling him that he was nothing. However, Korg revealed to the others that Nagaf lived a life of wealth and luxury on the money they stole for him and they turned on him. He defeated the much larger grown man in a straight fight and declared himself the new leader of the gang.[4]

Korg took the name "Sinson" and renamed the gang to the Sinson Corps. He treated them with respect and provided them with a share of the loot and better food, ensuring they were absolutely loyal to him. The Corps continued to steal to feed themselves and allow Sinson to buy the parts for a new rocket and allow him to search for Sinestro. To this end he also built a gun which fired hypodermic needles so he could steal a sample of Sinestro's blood for a paternity test. One day Lor-Zod, the exiled son of General Zod, came to Xela to conquer the planet and take it as his new base. Sinson stole his ship and once again tried to leave Xela, but Lor-Zod flew after him and confronted him.[5]

Korg reprogrammed the ship's voice controls to only respond to him and laid in a course for Korugar. Lor-Zod broke back in and they fought. Lor-Zod's powers were weakened somehow, allowing Korg to fight and even hurt him, but Zod quickly overpowered him with his super-strength. Zod tried to pilot the ship back to Xela, only to discover what Korg had done. He demanded that Korg return control of the ship and he refused. The two of them argued until they saw a huge space leviathan heading right for them. Korg tried to fly them out of its mouth but the jaws slammed shut just as he reached the edge of the mouth and they bounced off the teeth, lodging in the beast's cheek.

Lor-Zod attempted to burn them out with his heat vision, but found that his powers were almost gone. Korg decided to ram the teeth and try to break their way out, but just as he was about to the leviathan swallowed them. They fell into the monster's throat and again lodge somewhere in the gullet. They emerged from the ship and were confronted by a mysterious man in a spacesuit.[6]

The spaceman, Tommy Tomorrow, attempted to steal the ship but could not due to Korg's voice controls. They all agreed to escape together, but the leviathan swallowed the ship and it was dissolved in the creature's stomach acid. The space whale warped to an ocean world, where it was attacked by alien pirates.[7]

The whale, known as "Melville", was too maddened by pain and fear to teleport away. Tommy Tomorrow held the pirates off and told the boys to climb up Melville's spine to his brain. As Melville was telepathic, he believed that they may be able to reach his mind and convince him to warp away. They reached the brain but Melville did not react to their attempts to communicate with him. Sinson suggested they may need to touch the brain to communicate and they agreed to both touch it on the count of three. However, Lor-Zod did not actually do it. Sinson was able to make psychic contact with Melville and told the whale to take him to Korugar and Sinestro. Melville warped to New Korugar.

The boys climbed back down, and when Lor-Zod asked Sinson why he wanted to go to Sienstro, Korg admitted that he believed Sinestro was his father. Back in the whale's gullet they found Sinestro waiting, who demanded to know what they were doing there.[8] At the sight of Sinestro, Korg froze up and was unable to tell his supposed father who he was. When he managed to pull himself together, he told Sinestro how he had grown up on Xela and had wanted to meet him all his life; but claimed that he had no family.

Sinestro told them they were welcome on New Korugar if they were willing to help rebuild from a recent attack. Sinson and Lor-Zod agreed, but Tommy chose to remain with Melville. Before the boys left, he gave Sinson his hypogun which he had believed was lost with the ship. Sinestro took the boys to the planet and dropped them off at an apartment which he told them was theirs for the time being; he instricted them to clean up and then report to the worksite. After bathing, Sinson cut his long hair to match Sinestro's style. Lor-Zod made fun of Sinson for not having the guts to tell Sinestro who he was, but Korg insisted he would tell him when he was ready.[9]

At the worksite, Korg asked to speak to Sinestro in private. They went to a secluded area and Korg told Sinestro that he thought he was his father. Korg pulled out the hypogun and fired a hail of darts at Sinestro, leaping and rolling around him as he fired, while Sinestro simply stood there and let the darts hit him. When Korg ran out of darts Sinestro calmly took the hypogun from him and told him that it didn't matter if they were family or not. The time when Sinestro could have influenced the person Korg would become is long past, Korg didn't need him and he didn't need Korg. Korg yelled that it still matters to him and Sinestro grabbed him, rose up into the air and told Korg that he was insignificant.

Lor-Zod jumped in and attacked Sinestro, telling him to leave Korg alone. Lor-Zod declared that he going to make his name right then and there by taking out Sinestro. As they fought, Lor-Zod starts to get the upper hand and Sinson yelled at him to stop, saying that he was ruining everything. As his anger exploded he was somehow able to tap into the Emotional Electromagnetic Spectrum, manifesting the powers of a Red Lantern without a Ring.

He tackled Lor-Zod off Sinestro and the boys fought, with Korg demonstrating quick mastery over his powers. Sinestro broke up the fight, revealing that he deliberately manipulated them into it in order to test their abilities. He revealed that he found evidence of who destroyed the Yellow Power Battery and was going after the culprits, but was leaving them in charge of protecting New Korugar while he was gone. Sinestro departed for space, but before he left he reminded them that fear was a powerful tool, and told them that they look "sinister" covered in the blood of battle. Lor-Zod eagerly embraced the label and announced that they were now the "Sinister Sons". He said that they should start recruiting soldiers for the "Korugar Defense Force", to which Korg replied "sounds like a plan".

Korg chose to keep using the name "Sinson" despite Sinestro's disapproval. He believed that he had claimed the identity for himself, regardless of whether he ended up deciding to test Sinestro's blood or not.[10]





