The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a series of interconnected comics by writer Alan Moore and artist Kevin O'Neill, originally published by America's Best Comics (an imprint of WildStorm Productions), set in its own self-contained alternate universe in which famous works of literature, film, and television coexist as historical fact.
The eponymous League is the Murray Group, initially formed of five famous figures of Victorian literature. The series follows this group and their successors throughout history.
The entries in the series published by ABC are as follows:
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 1
- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 2
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
Following the publication of Black Dossier, Moore decided to end his association with Wildstorm and DC citing professional differences. Further entries in the series have been published by Top Shelf (in the US) and Knockabout Comics (in the UK).
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen film Members
- Allan Quatermain
- Captain Nemo
- Dr. Mina Harker
- Rodney Skinner
- Dorian Gray
- Tom Sawyer — He is a U.S. Secret Service Agent
- Dr. Henry Jekyll/Mr. Edward Hyde
- "M" — The assembler of this incarnation of the group
Related Articles
See Also
- Concept Gallery: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
- Catalogued images related to League of Extraordinary Gentlemen