The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume II is a comic book limited series written by Alan Moore and illustrated by Kevin O'Neill, published under the America's Best Comics imprint of DC Comics.
It is a sequel to the original volume of the series and is mainly a retelling of The War of the Worlds.
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #1
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #2
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #3
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #4
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #5
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Volume 2) #6
Collections and Graphic Novels
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume 2 (Collected)
- League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier
See Also
- Cover Gallery: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2
- Collections from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2
- Images from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2
- Textless Cover Art from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Vol 2