Legends of the DC Universe (Volume 1) was an ongoing series, published by DC Comics from 1998 until 2001. The series featured a rotating cast of characters and creators, intended as an anthology to fill in the gaps of DC Universe history.
- Legends of the DC Universe #1
- Legends of the DC Universe #2
- Legends of the DC Universe #3
- Legends of the DC Universe #4
- Legends of the DC Universe #5
- Legends of the DC Universe #6
- Legends of the DC Universe #7
- Legends of the DC Universe #8
- Legends of the DC Universe #9
- Legends of the DC Universe #10
- Legends of the DC Universe #11
- Legends of the DC Universe #12
- Legends of the DC Universe #13
- Legends of the DC Universe #14
- Legends of the DC Universe #15
- Legends of the DC Universe #16
- Legends of the DC Universe #17
- Legends of the DC Universe #18
- Legends of the DC Universe #19
- Legends of the DC Universe #20
- Legends of the DC Universe #21
- Legends of the DC Universe #22
- Legends of the DC Universe #23
- Legends of the DC Universe #24
- Legends of the DC Universe #25
- Legends of the DC Universe #26
- Legends of the DC Universe #27
- Legends of the DC Universe #28
- Legends of the DC Universe #29
- Legends of the DC Universe #30
- Legends of the DC Universe #31
- Legends of the DC Universe #32
- Legends of the DC Universe #33
- Legends of the DC Universe #34
- Legends of the DC Universe #35
- Legends of the DC Universe #36
- Legends of the DC Universe #37
- Legends of the DC Universe #38
- Legends of the DC Universe #39
- Legends of the DC Universe #40
- Legends of the DC Universe #41
- Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant #1 (1998)
- Legends of the DC Universe 80-Page Giant #2 (2000)
- Legends of the DC Universe 3D Gallery #1 (1998)
- Legends of the DC Universe: Crisis on Infinite Earths (1999)
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Legends of the DC Universe Vol 1
- Collections from Legends of the DC Universe Vol 1
- Images from Legends of the DC Universe Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Legends of the DC Universe Vol 1