DC Database

Lian Harper was the daughter of Roy Harper and Jade Nguyen.

Early Life

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Kidnapping by Vandal Savage

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Meeting the Titans

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Outsiders Era

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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Cry For Justice

Lian died during the destruction of Star City, organized by the villain Prometheus as carried out by the Electrocutioner. Her death, in part, caused Green Arrow to murder Prometheus and her father to murder the Electrocutioner.

Atom Ryan Choi 0027

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  • Her name means Graceful Willow.[1]
  • In her earlier appearances, Lian Harper had red hair and brown eyes.[1]
  • Lian has a brand on her lower back from the time she was kidnapped by child traffickers.
  • According to her gravestone, Lian was born in 2004 and died in 2009. [2]


