DC Database

"In the Beginning": This story is reprinted from Untold Legend of the Batman #1.

Warning! This comic is very recent and may contain spoilers!
Read beyond this point at your own risk!

Limited Edition: The Untold Legend of the Batman #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of March, 2025. It was published on January 29, 2025.

Synopsis for "In the Beginning"

This story is reprinted from Untold Legend of the Batman #1.

In the Batcave, Batman opens a package that came in his mail and finds within it the shredded remains of Thomas Wayne's Batman Costume which he wore to the party that ended in his encounter with gangster Lew Moxon.

Batman rushes to the display case where the costume had hung and finds only a note taped to the inside of the glass with a threat addressed to him. Grimly, Batman recalls to Alfred and to himself the night that his father went to the costume party dressed as a "Bat-Man", was abducted by thugs to treat the wounded Lew Moxon, and wound up capturing them all. He goes on to remember Moxon's emergence from jail ten years later, and, soon after, the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne by Joe Chill; Bruce Wayne's determination to fight crime and bring his parents' killer to justice; his becoming the first "Robin" and teaming up with detective Harvey Harris; his attending Gotham College, where he learned the difference between law and justice from Professor Amos Rexford; the bat that flew in through the open window of Wayne Manor and inspired him to become the Batman; the many battles he and Robin waged against an army of criminals; and the deaths of Joe Chill and Lew Moxon.

Batman learns little from analyzing the shredded costume and thus, he heads out on patrol of Gotham City in the Batmobile, on a mission of vengeance.

Appearing in "In the Beginning"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "With Friends Like These..."

This story is reprinted from Untold Legend of the Batman #2.

Batman invades a bar looking for any clues to the responsible for sending him the Thomas Wayne's Batman Costume as a threat. He asks a stool pigeon named Snitch for the information and gets a smart-aleck but negative answer, after which Snitch draws a gun on him. Batman beats him to a pulp, shouting at Snitch to never point a gun at him again. Robin arrives in time to stop Batman from injuring Snitch and to protect him from other hoods in the bar.

The two heroes go to the Batmobile and return to the Batcave below the Wayne Foundation building. On the way, Batman tells Robin about the bizarre "gift" and the note found in the display case. Robin reminisces about his own origin, and how Batman helped him bring his parents' killers to justice; how he led the double life of Dick Grayson and Robin, the Boy Wonder; and how he eventually graduated high school and entered Hudson University, after which Bruce and Alfred relocated from Wayne Manor to the penthouse at the top of the Wayne Foundation building.

Once in the Batcave, Batman immediately gets to work at the Batcave computer. Alfred confides to Robin that Batman is a "different man" since being caught in a warehouse explosion. Alfred remembers his own career as a World War II resistance fighter, as an actor on the English stage, and, after his father's death, traveling to America to become the butler of Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson (as his father had been the butler of Thomas and Martha Wayne) whom he soon learned were also Batman and Robin.

When Alfred asks if Batman has found a suspect, Batman gestures to a pile of his old enemies' photographs, and suggests Alfred take his pick. He recalls the origins of the Joker and Two-Face. Robin suggests they consult with Commissioner Gordon, but when he prepares to start the Batmobile, an alarm sounds and Robin realizes the Batmobile's ignition has been tampered with. Batman, Robin and Alfred throw themselves to safety as a bomb-blast destroys the car. Immediately, Robin finds another threat against Batman and this only serves to make Batman more determined to capture whoever is responsible.

Appearing in "With Friends Like These..."

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Man Behind the Mask"

This story is reprinted from Untold Legend of the Batman #3.

Batman tells Robin he will find his mysterious tormentor alone, and strides out of the Batcave. Robin calls up Jack Edison, a top stunt-driver and car-designer who owes his life to the Caped Crusader, and informs him they need a new Batmobile. Robin then tells Alfred he intends to help Batman whether he likes it or not.

Meanwhile, Batman checks with Shamrock and other street people for clues, but can find none. When he asks Commissioner Gordon's help, the Commissioner tells Batman he may subconsciously be overlooking clues, knowing unconsciously the culprit is someone close to him he does not wish to hurt. After Batman has left, Gordon recalls his first encounter with Batman and how they started working together. He also remembers the first time that his daughter, Barbara was impressed with Batman and followed in his steps, becoming Batgirl. After a few moments, Robin turns up in Gordon's office to ask about his mentor.

The next day, Bruce Wayne, tries to get through a business day and a concerned Lucius Fox remembers how good Bruce had been with him. After Fox offers his help, Bruce suddenly realizes who his tormentor must be.

As Batman, he returns to the original Batcave below Wayne Manor that night, but finds the walls of the cave closing in on him. He also seems to see the shade of Bruce Wayne accusing him of usurping both their existences. Abruptly, a figure clad in Thomas Wayne's Batman Costume appears to help Batman hold back the closing walls, and tells him that the warehouse explosion affected his mind, giving him paranoid schizophrenia. Encouraged, Batman thrusts himself and his mysterious ally to safety just in time, and unmasks the figure as Robin. The Teen Wonder tells Batman that he donned the Bat-Man costume to bring Batman back to his senses. Thanking Robin, Batman goes off to be by himself, viewing the streets of Gotham City from on high.

Appearing in "The Man Behind the Mask"

Featured Characters:

  • Batman (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Secrets of the Batman"

This story is reprinted from Untold Legend of the Batman #3.

Three-page feature showing the Batcave beneath the Wayne Foundation Building, a.k.a. Batcave II.

Appearing in "Secrets of the Batman"

Featured Characters:


  • Batcave
    • Workshop
    • Repair Shop
    • Secret Exit
    • Garage
    • The Study
    • Laboratory
    • Trophy Room




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
