DC Database

Quote1 You are literally a survivor. The last of your kind. The toughest "bastich" in the universe, in your jargon. You have survived alone. The odds are beyond the bounds of viability. But you beat them all by being selfish. Quote2
Brainiac src

Lobo is a Czarnian bounty hunter and slaver who killed the rest of his people except for his beloved Princess Sheba.


He was imprisoned in a maximum security prison in Colorado. Lobo was discovered unconscious in a crashed spacecraft in the deserts of New Mexico along with many other alien slaves. After attempting to escape the prison, his strength and ferocity was realized and he was restrained in the most effective manner. Eventually, Lobo managed to overpower the reverse polarity restraints and escaped. He easily destroyed every wave of defense the prison had to offer and escaped the prison, vowing to destroy Earth as soon as possible, but not before getting revenge on the prison's Director Maxim.[1]


Lobo was eventually tracked down by another Czarnian bounty hunter who claimed to be the "real" Lobo, insisting that he is in fact an imposter.[2]

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Lobo was among the many prisoners kept in a prison called the Catacombs. He was later freed by Maxwell Lord alongside several other prisoners (Emerald Empress, Doctor Polaris, Rustam and Johnny Sorrow), who eventually succumb to Lord's influence. It is revealed by Amanda Waller that Lobo, alongside the rest of the prisoners released by Lord, was a member of Amanda Waller's first Suicide Squad. Batman eventually implants a bomb into Lobo's brain and detonates it, blowing up Lobo's head. After Lobo regenerates, he discovers Batman did so to free him from Lord's control. Lobo was among the many heroes that Batman rallied after Maxwell Lord gains the Heart of Darkness and uses it to control the Justice League.[3]

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Infinite Frontier

Crush & Lobo

Crush & Lobo Vol 1 3 Textless

Crush meets Lobo in prison

Lobo tricked his daughter Crush into making him escape from a space prison. He invited her to visit him and planted a monitor on her to swap DNA so he could escape.[4] Crush eventually managed to escape herself[5] and hunted for Lobo.[6] She is successful, but is also captured as a test subject.[7] Lobo and Crush eventually break out together.[8]




  • Lobo has a pet dog who he simply calls Dawg.
  • Lobo has revealed that he has lived for eons.[16]



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Justice League member
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This character has been a member of the Justice League of America, or the Justice League in any of its various incarnations, sworn by a duty to act as guardians of America and the world by using their skills and/or superpowers to protect Earth from the clutches of both interstellar and domestic threats.
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Suicide Squad member
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Superman Villain(s)
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Lobo villain(s)
This character is or was primarily an enemy of Lobo. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Lobo Villains."
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Titans Villain(s)
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StormWatch member
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