DC Database

"Partners": Lobo watched over the Grunt Brothers before killing them all by cutting them into pieces. Then, he wandered through ancient caves until coming out of a port-a-potty, into an amusement park. He found three people named Rave, Emily, and Luna waiting next to his Spacehog to offer them t

Lobo (Volume 3) #2 is an issue of the series Lobo (Volume 3) with a cover date of January, 2015. It was published on November 5, 2014.

Synopsis for "Partners"

Lobo watched over the Grunt Brothers before killing them all by cutting them into pieces. Then, he wandered through ancient caves until coming out of a port-a-potty, into an amusement park. He found three people named Rave, Emily, and Luna waiting next to his Spacehog to offer them their partnership. Lobo rejected them but they insisted that Rhialla insisted that he needed help and they insisted on splitting the reward.

In the past, on Czarnia, Lobo gave a speech to soldiers before Princess Sheba informed him that something was wrong with her father, but he wouldn't speak up. Lobo vowed to protect her father.

Lobo and his new allies arrived in Shanghai in a ship, but as they neared a building, the Czarnian left his allies behind and insisted on entering it alone. Upon entering a building full of tubes carrying bodies, Lobo executed a robot wearing human skin. His new allies followed him and turned their attention to a computer simulating the spread of a disease from city to city. The group learned that the disease would be spread through zombies and Lobo attacked them on the ground while the other three attacked them from their ship. When Emily declared her and the others the "saviors of planet Earth", Lobo did not like how she thought.

Appearing in "Partners"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Grunt Brothers (First appearance; dies)
  • Zombies

Other Characters:

  • Rihallia (Mentioned only)
  • Princess Sheba's father (Mentioned only) (Flashback only)



  • Lobo's Choppers



See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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