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DC Database

In the early 1950s, on Lubos Island, Professor Jenkins developed a concentrated food formula for marine animals that caused aquatic life forms to grow to 100 times their normal size. The early specimens had very short life spans. Later specimens were more robust, and became a serious problem for mar

Quote1 They were unnatural creatures --- not meant to survive in the present world! But Professor Andrew Jensen's experiments will be valuable in other ways! Quote2

This tropical island was the site of a battle between the Blackhawks and some enormous ocean-dwelling creatures.


In the early 1950s, on Lubos Island, Professor Jenkins developed a concentrated food formula for marine animals that caused aquatic life forms to grow to 100 times their normal size. The early specimens had very short life spans. Later specimens were more robust, and became a serious problem for maritime commerce. A murderer named Dukas was behind the sea monster attacks. He and his gang were wiped out by the Blackhawks, and the monsters were bombed from the air.

Points of Interest

  • Famous Marine Laboratories of Professor Andrew Jensen


  • Andrew Jensen


  • In Blackhawk #47 4th story: Blackhawk's remarks at the story's end imply that the Jensen Formula has not been lost or destroyed.
  • Lubos Island has palm trees, therefore is tropical or semi-tropical. Story does not specify the body of water in which it is located.

See Also
