DC Database

Quote1 Dude! Facing down Mal Duncan! Fierce. Not too bright, but fierce! Quote2
Marvin White src

Malcolm Duncan is a hero and ally of the Team. Though he doesn't possess the Metagene to have superpowers himself, he temporarily operated as the vigilante Guardian.

Mal was a sophomore at Happy Harbor High with his girlfriend Karen Beecher and his friend Marvin White. When Conner Kent and Megan Morse attended as freshmen, Conner grabbed Marvin by the collar after a skateboarding mishap. Mal called him out for it and Conner noticed him wearing a Superman T-Shirt. They had a stare-off until Lucas Carr broke them up and sent them to homeroom. Mal purposely bumped into Conner on the way in.



Guardian suit



Young Justice Vol 2 20 Textless
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Young Justice member
This character is or was a member of Young Justice, a team of younger super-heroes and side-kicks who fight crime together separately from their adult counterparts, in any of its various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Young Justice members" category.
