DC Database

The marvelous competition. Marvel Comics is a comic book publishing house famous for creating notable characters such as Spider-Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man and the X-Men. Marvel Comics and DC Comics have collaborated on several crossover projects together and also co-founded the short-lived Amalgam Comics imprint.


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DC/Marvel Crossovers

See also: Marvel Universe
DC Marvel Crossovers
Superman vs The Amazing Spider-Man Superman and Spider-Man Batman vs The Incredible Hulk Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans Batman / Punisher: Lake of Fire
Punisher / Batman: Deadly Knights Darkseid vs Galactus: The Hunger Spider-Man and Batman Green Lantern / Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances DC Versus Marvel
All Access Silver Surfer / Superman Batman/Captain America Daredevil/Batman Batman and Spider-Man
Unlimited Access Superman / Fantastic Four The Incredible Hulk vs Superman Batman/Daredevil JLA/Avengers

See Also


Links and References
