Mary Marvel #16 is an issue of the series Mary Marvel (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1947.
Synopsis for Mary Marvel, the World's Mightiest Girl!: "The 'Juke Box Menace'"
Georgia is still living at a Girls’ Reform School where she’s created a Miniature Juke Box that runs on batteries, letting her record and play any noise she wants at hand! She records some dreamy, soft music off the radio and records her own voice over it to make people fall asleep, then uses it to nick the Matron’s keys and leap into the laundry truck with her Miniature Juke Box. Later, she jumps off and aspires to be the Princess of Earth. The next day, Mary is at a Mary Marvel Club meeting where Mary Batson is the Guest of Honor, naturally. She notes that the Prince of Tykania is in town and they should go meet him, especially since has asked to meet Mary Marvel personally. Among them is Georgia, in disguise of a blond wig. She calls SHAZAM and becomes Mary Marvel, but this time Georgia has it recorded. Mary Marvel soon hears an emergency report that Georgia escaped, only for Georgia to trip on her way out, dropping her wig and getting punched in the head. A policewoman arrests Georgia, but she turns on her Miniature Juke Box, which makes all the children dance suddenly enough that Georgia can break free and leg it into a crowd. Georgia makes her way to the Prince of Tykania’s room and sneaks in by knocking out the guards with her Sleepy Record and stuffs her ears with cotton so it won’t affect her. She finds the Prince of Tykania and demands him by knifepoint to adopt her and make her Princess of Tykania, but Mary Marvel rushes in and shoves her into a desk, only for Georgia to play the SHAZAM Record that turns her back into normal Mary, who Georgia knocks out with the handle of her knife. Mary wakes up bound and gagged in a chair as the Prince of Tykania signs the adoption papers. However, Mary manages to kick the Juke Box, making it say SHAZAM again as she becomes Mary Marvel, breaks free and stomps the Juke Box into pieces. The Prince of Tykania thanks Mary Marvel both for her visit and for saving him from the dishonor of having to be Georgia’ father, offering that he needs autographs for girls from his country!
Appearing in Mary Marvel, the World's Mightiest Girl!: "The 'Juke Box Menace'"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- The Prince of Tykania
Other Characters:
- Matron of a Girls' Reform School
- Earth-S
- New York City
- A Girls' Reform School
- Tykania (Mentioned only)
- New York City
- Georgia's Miniature Juke Box
Synopsis for Freshman Freddy: "The Two-Timer"
Ace and Stooge find that Harriet is still going out with Freshman Freddy, so Ace decides he’s going to pull a fast one on Freshman Freddy and make Harriet mad at him. Stooge offers to rope in his rich friend, Gloria Van Moola. Ace tracks down Freddy and says he needs him to take his girlfriend to prom, because he’s been called home suddenly and no one else will take her since she’s “the poorest girl in town.” Freddy explains it all to her, but Ace goes to tell Harriet she’s not a poor girl, but Gloria Van Moola, the richest girl in town! Gloria soon finds that Freddy isn’t a good dancer, stepping on her foot and tearing the train off her dress and she grows tired of the façade and punches Ace in the face for putting this joke together. Harriet kisses Freddy on the cheek for being good-natured and says she wouldn’t dance with anyone else. Ace worries that Gloria might’ve broken his nose.
Appearing in Freshman Freddy: "The Two-Timer"
Featured Characters:
- Freshman Freddy
Supporting Characters:
- Harriet
- Ace
- Stooge
Other Characters:
- Gloria Van Moola
Synopsis for Mary Marvel, the World's Mightiest Girl!: "Mary Marvel and 'the Youth Pills'"
Doc Younger is released from prison after 40 years, 35 when arrested, 75 now. However, in the pharmacy he worked out how to make a serum that would make him young again. He gets to a hospital to steal the last ingredient Hormone-G. However Mary is working due to a shortage of work and seeing him, transforms and stops him. He pretends to have a heart-stroke and while Mary Marvel gets a Doctor he escapes with Hormone-G. He then makes the pills and takes one, taking 25 years off and making him 50. He thinks of selling them, but wants revenge first. On a bus he holds up Mary, but she transforms and takes him to the Police. But on the way he takes another pill, making him 35. At the station Mary sees a different man, not noticing he is wearing exactly the same clothes. Mary thinks she must have accidentally let go of his arm and grabbed someone else's. Doc Younger reads Alicia De Haven, the richest young debutante in the country wins high honors at May Flowers school, and decides to kidnap her. Next day he hides on campus and places a hood over her hood while she is walking with Mary and not at all guarded. Mary transforms and removes the hood, but the crook takes another pill and becomes 20, which nobody else notices despite all the students walking past him. He tells Mary he saw the Kidnapper run away, she does not notice he is wearing the same clothes. He decides to get Mary who has called Mary Marvel three times. He offers to carry her bags, then at a secluded spot near his car he hits her with her bookbag, knocking her out. When she comes to she is securely tied to a chair and gagged. He reveals who he is and about his youth pills. He decides to feed her one which will turn her into helpless little baby and removes her gag to give her one, enabling her to transform to Mary Marvel, who is not affected by the pill. He then decides to take his last two pills as a baby cannot be convicted. However he turns into a man of 90, as to many damaged the tissues. He is then taken back to prison for another 20 years, his mind having snapped meaning he forgot the formula.
Appearing in Mary Marvel, the World's Mightiest Girl!: "Mary Marvel and 'the Youth Pills'"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Doc Younger
Other Characters:
- Alicia de Haven
- Earth-S
- New York City
- A Hospital
- New York City
- Hormone-G
- Doc Younger's Youth Pills (Destroyed)
- Despite the issue, Georgia Sivana doesn't use a Giant Juke Box she's run afoul of. Instead, she actually uses a miniature one that functions like a Talkboy.
See Also