DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Flying Desperado"": Zeus and Mercury are in the “Netherlands” of the Gods and the God of Messengers says he’s bored and decides to go down to Earth. Zeus warns him not to lose his Winged Shoes like last time, but immediately lands in wet cem

Quote1 I'm afraid he's right! Since I'm only as fast as Mercury, we'd stay just as far apart if this chase went on for the rest of our lives! Quote2
Captain Marvel, Jr., chasing the World's Fastest Criminal!

Master Comics #123 is an issue of the series Master Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1951.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Flying Desperado"

Zeus and Mercury are in the “Netherlands” of the Gods and the God of Messengers says he’s bored and decides to go down to Earth. Zeus warns him not to lose his Winged Shoes like last time, but immediately lands in wet cement and rips his soles out so he takes them to a local cobbler, to fix them. He waits in the backroom while they’re being fixed. Soon, a goon named Hixcox grumbles that his latest robberies have been foiled by Captain Marvel, Jr. and goes to pick up his only good pair of shoes. Instead of paying the Cobbler, Hixcox wallops him in the face and just takes his shoes back, wrapped in a box. When he gets to his busted apartment, he finds that he has Mercury’s Winged Shoes and puts them on (since he already threw out his old shoes) and finds that they actually fly and decides he can use these… for crime! Mercury soon wakes up the Cobbler and asks where his shoes are, but he says he must’ve given them to Hixcox, offering he can just make him new shoes with leather wings. When Mercury is naturally upset and says they can’t be replaced, the Cobbler decides he’s just crazy for saying he’s Mercury and threatens him with a hammer. When Mercury slaps the hammer out of his hand, he starts screaming, which summons a nearby Freddy Freeman who calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to find him as Captain Marvel, Jr. Junior carries off Mercury to check in with the Wizard Shazam at the Rock of Eternity, who confirms this is the God of Speed after all. He points out that, wearing the Winged Shoes, Hixcox is now the World’s Fastest Man and only Captain Marvel, Jr. could catch up to him.

Meanwhile, Hixcox arrives at Millionaires’ Row and flies over their high gates to crack safes while the residents are out. They soon arrive at the Shoe Repairing Shop and hear on the radio about the seemingly impossible robberies. The Cobbler recalls he gave the shoes to Hixcox and gives them his address. Hixcox is packing his things and answers the door, thinking it’s a bellboy to help him haul his suitcase downstairs, but finds it’s the Boy in Blue instead. Junior finds that since they both move at the Speed of Mercury, he won’t be able to catch up to him, but the wind starts to pick up as Hixcox moves higher and blows the ill-fitting shoes off his feet. Hixcox, falling out of the sky, is willing to turn over all his stolen goods rather than plummet to his death and Junior arrests him and returns Mercury his shoes, who goes home.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and The Flying Desperado"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Mr. Hixcox
    • An Absent-Minded Cobbler

Other Characters:



  • The Winged Shoes of Mercury

Synopsis for Ozzie: "The Briny Deep"

Appearing in Ozzie: "The Briny Deep"

Featured Characters

  • Ozzie Turner

Supporting Characters:

  • Dippy


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "Ammunition Isle"

Appearing in Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "Ammunition Isle"

Featured Characters

  • Nyoka the Jungle Girl

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Ammunition Isle




  • Despite the cover, Mercury's Winged Shoes are gold instead of green, as are the little wings on them and Hixcox wearing a green suit (with some patches) instead of a red one.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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