DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Man In Metal Mask"": A big building is being constructed by the Wesley Construction Corp. Mr. Wesley informs his employer, Mr. Sharkey, that everything is due to be done by deadline, which according to their contract, is double or nothing. However, suddenly, he’s

Master Comics #71 is an issue of the series Master Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of August, 1946.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Man In Metal Mask"

A big building is being constructed by the Wesley Construction Corp. Mr. Wesley informs his employer, Mr. Sharkey, that everything is due to be done by deadline, which according to their contract, is double or nothing. However, suddenly, he’s soon approached by a strange man who says that says the area used to be a cemetery, pointing at a nearby headstone for someone named “Joe Doe” and declares that they’ll get their revenge on them. Thirdly, Quentin Quill, a mad architect, shouts at him for not using his plans and that he’s the greatest living architect and that the building is doomed to fail. Suddenly though, a Man in a Metal Mask appears on the site and shoves a man off to his death. Freddy Freeman, peddling papers nearby, calls CAPTAIN MARVEL and becomes Captain Marvel, Jr. to grab him. Junior confronts the Man in the Metal Mask, but he throws a construction hook at him and then scarpers into an empty cement mixer. Junior asks Mr. Wesley who he thinks did it and he assumes it’s Quill or the crazy guy he met earlier. While the workmen are riveting, the Man in the Metal Mask returns to saw through the girder with a hacksaw, but Junior sets it down safely. The Man in the Metal Mask dumps some hot rivets on to a construction worker, but Junior is able to catch them back in the bucket and even hands them to the workers. Junior chases him into the skeleton tower and finally pushes him off, but catches him before he lands and breaks the helmet open, finding out it was Mr. Sharkey doing it so he wouldn’t have to pay Wesley for building it. What’s more, notorious gambler Sharkey was going to open a big gambling palace that would ruin the nearby area. Junior notes that the Mayor was looking for a new place to put an orphanage.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Man In Metal Mask"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Mr. Wesley


Other Characters:

  • A Crackpot
  • Quentin Quill, Besmirched Architect


Synopsis for Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "The Talking Tiger!"

Appearing in Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "The Talking Tiger!"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Terror In Toyland"

Cyrus J Parker is an old man who turned his large estate into a theme park called Toyland, eschewing his stuffy nephew Gaylord for spending “too much” on it. Cyrus says that he never had any children of his own, so he wants to be a “father” to the many children that enjoy his park. Suddenly, one day at the park, one of the wooden soldiers wielding a sharpened bayonet attacks a child and stabs him in the arm. Lt. Kent soon gets word of it and Jim and Susan change into the Bullets to look into things further. Gaylord is overcome with emotion over the well-being of the children and they decide to look around to find out what’s going on. The Wooden Soldier soon fires a wooden cannonball at some children, but Bulletgirl catches it, noting it could’ve broken bones. However, they find it difficult to track, since all the Wooden Soldiers look the same. The Bullets warn Cyrus they may have to shut down Toyland if it’s no longer safe, so he begs them to find the culprit. The Wooden Soldier soon attacks a carousel operator and makes it go dangerously fast, forcing the Bullets to slow them down by hand. Finally, they manage to punch out the one Wooden Soldier who isn’t made of wood and find it was Gaylord, who wanted to shut down Toyland so he’d have a larger fortune to inherit and tried to maim children to make it happen. Cyrus decides to leave his money to charity and the Bullets leave a happier Toyland.

Appearing in Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Terror In Toyland"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:

  • Cyrus J Parker


  • The Wooden Soldier (Gaylord Parker)

Other Characters:



  • A Bayonet
  • A Wooden Cannonball


  • A Carousel

Synopsis for Radar the International Policeman: "The Butcher"

Appearing in Radar the International Policeman: "The Butcher"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:


  • The Butcher (Dies)

Other Characters:




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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