DC Database

"Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and Crime on the Campus!"": Freddy Freeman notices a trolley slipping the tracks and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. to try to stop it from hitting some people and rights it in place. The driver blames a bunch of rowdy college kids from n

Quote1 Remember -- if you're hit with the flour sock you must drop out of the fight! The class that has most men left at the end, wins! Quote2
Captain Marvel, Jr., hosting the Frosh-Soph Fight.

Master Comics #85 is an issue of the series Master Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 1947.

Synopsis for Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and Crime on the Campus!"

Freddy Freeman notices a trolley slipping the tracks and calls CAPTAIN MARVEL to become Captain Marvel, Jr. to try to stop it from hitting some people and rights it in place. The driver blames a bunch of rowdy college kids from nearby Fame University holding initiations that derailed the car. The college guys admit they thought the trolley would just stop and not go off the tracks and Junior tells them to maybe keep it on campus. On his way out, one of the kids, Speedy, is grabbed from his friends by goons, Baby Face and Matty, and pulled into an alley. Matty pulls a blackjack and Junior flies around the corner to find them carrying Speedy away unconscious, but they toss him away to a wall to try to get away, which works. Junior finds from Speedy that he’s being targeted for being an eyewitness to a murder from their imprisoned boss, “Slojin” Rickey. The police do nothing to protect him. However, he isn’t going to miss initiations and heads back to campus. The goons decide to try to send youthfully-faced Baby Face to disguise himself as a college kid and the goons sneak into Hyra Hall, the sophomore dorm, and knock out a reading boy Cliff Dwellar. They find that he prepared a sock full of flour to have the collegiate “Frosh-Soph Fight,” but change it out for heavy stones. Junior supervises the “fight” until Baby Face clobbers Speedy with a rock-sock and didn’t drop after being hit with Speedy’s flour-sock. Junior figures out that Cliff didn’t show up and someone clearly took his place and then scarpered back to Cliff’s room, but Junior soon finds the two goons and punches them out. Later, Speedy is recovering in the hospital, but will be available to testify against Rickey and his two goons are now in jail with him.

Appearing in Capt. Marvel, Jr.: "Capt. Marvel, Jr. and Crime on the Campus!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Speedy


  • Baby Face
  • Matty
  • "Slojin" Ricky (Mentioned only)

Other Characters:

  • Class Pres. Cliff Dwellar



  • Socks of Flour
  • A Sock of Rocks

Synopsis for Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Death Rides the Waves!!"

Jim Barr and Susan Kent are dancing at a big party at friend Mary Fontaine’s house before the big Wedgeworth Sailboat Race tomorrow, who she is sure to win in. Their host, the donor for the Wedgeworth Cup (Mr. Wedgeworth) to introduce the three female contestants: Mary Fontaine, Linda Farrell and Marge Miller. Some time later, Jim notes they haven’t seen Mary for a good 15 minutes and Susan checks upstairs to find her dead in her room! However, when she returns with Jim… the body is gone! Jim notices out the window that Mary’s sailboat is leaving shore and the two change into the Bullets to investigate. They find Mary’s body on the ship, likely to make it look like her death was an accident and they put her back in her room and start a plan… Bulletman announces an “accident” in which Mary almost died to lure out the killer to try to make a move. The killer, Linda Farrell, decides to try to bludgeon “Mary” in her bed, only to find it’s Bulletgirl. Bulletman fires in, but finds he couldn’t possibly punch a woman, so Bulletgirl does it for him and they lean on her to get her to confess that she killed Mary to win the race. Later, they explain this to all the guests.

Appearing in Bulletman the Flying Detective: "Death Rides the Waves!!"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:

  • Mary Fontaine (Dies)


  • Linda Farrell

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Wedgeworth
  • Marge Miller



  • A Rose Vase


  • Mary Fontaine's Sailing Ship

Synopsis for Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "The Jungle of Fear!"

Appearing in Nyoka the Jungle Girl: "The Jungle of Fear!"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • The Belgian Congo



Synopsis for Colonel Corn and Korny Kobb: "In Rural Rumblings"

Appearing in Colonel Corn and Korny Kobb: "In Rural Rumblings"

Featured Characters

  • Colonel Corn
  • Korny Kobb

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for Radar the International Policeman: "Radar the International Policeman and the Protonic Bomb"

Appearing in Radar the International Policeman: "Radar the International Policeman and the Protonic Bomb"

Featured Characters

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • The Aleutian Islands


  • The Protonic Bomb



  • Despite the cover, Captain Marvel, Jr. doesn't fight the Grim Reaper wearing a mortarboard, nor does he fight a similarly-dressed man in a dark cloak. Instead, he fights gangsters hiding out in a college dorm, disguised as students.

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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