DC Database
DC Database

Mayfly was an enemy of Wonder Woman.

Mayfly was contracted by Ares Buchanan to assassinate Wonder Woman and Flash. With her superhuman speed, she was able to put up a good fight with the heroes, but was inevitably defeated. When imprisoned, Mayfly accidentally killed herself while trying to escape. She suffered from a rare form of hemophilia, and was obsessed with death.



Other Characteristics



Villainy Incorporated 001
Wonder Woman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was primarily an enemy of Wonder Woman and the Amazons in any of her various incarnations. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Wonder Woman Villains category."

Rogues 0005
DC Bullet 2024

Flash Villain(s)
This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of any or all of the various incarnations of the Flash. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Flash Villains."
