DC Database

Quote1 Kara Gordon, meet subtlety. Remember, if they're expecting a punch... slice them to the bone instead. Bleed them dry. Kill them by your rules. Quote2
Catwoman src

Selina Kyle is a master thief and a double agent. While she is one of the malcontents who joined Natasha Irons's rebel group, she also works for Lex Luthor under the name of Mercy.

Selina was a member of the squad that happened upon Kara Gordon and took her back to the base.[1]

Later, Selina recruited Kara and Dick Grayson to break into Lex Luthor's Amazo facility and retrieve Victor Stone. After abandoning Kara and Dick, she took the Mother Box that was keeping Victor Stone alive and buried the box outside. She then returned to the Garden and announced to Lex Luthor that the attack against the facility was led by Richard Grayson and that the rebels stole the Mother Box.[2]

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Batman Allies
Batman Family member
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Superman Family member
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