DC Database

"Robots of Terror!": The Metal Men take a leisurely stroll and Platinum helps a girl's cat out of a tree. Mercury uses this as an opportunity to complain and Tin notices bank robbers in the distance. H

Quote1 "Fizz them to death, Sodium!" Quote2
Doc Magnus (robot)

Metal Men #2 is an issue of the series Metal Men (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1963.

Synopsis for "Robots of Terror!"

The Metal Men take a leisurely stroll and Platinum helps a girl's cat out of a tree. Mercury uses this as an opportunity to complain and Tin notices bank robbers in the distance. He leaps after them and is immediately riddled with bullets. Iron forms a shield to stop them and hand them to the police. Before they can leave for a meeting with Col. Casper, Lead fixes a downed electrical wire and the Mercury oozes into a jeweler's vault where his baby daughter had accidentally gotten locked inside. They arrive to meet Casper and his niece Jane at the hospital to lift the girl's spirits when Gold rolls himself into a carpet fit for a princess and Platinum gives her a hug.

Back at Magnus Labs, the Doc restores Tin to functionality and rebuffs Platinum's advances as usual. Instead of taking her out dancing, Magnus has a date with the human Marsha and leaves the lab. While he's gone, Tina studies his notebooks in order to create a robot who resembles Magnus to love her back. The duo take the Rocket Disc out dancing on a rooftop. After some reckless flying, the robot Doc returns her to the lab and tells her to wait patiently as he has a surprise for her.

In the Metal Men's dorm, the heroes get a video call from Magnus, looking to apologize for hurting Platinum's feelings. The other members are confused by seeing Magnus on the screen and in the lab simultaneously. Just then, the fake Magnus debuts his surprise: new Metal Men. Aluminum, Barium, Calcium, Plutonium, Sodium, and Zirconium immediately attack the true Metal Men. Magnus leaves his date and rushes to the lab.

Tin contains Sodium in a silo and the other robots fight. Aluminum turns into a propeller blade that chops up Mercury and the rest of the evil bots head to a nearby rocket to escape. The Metal Men try to stop them and Calcium encases Iron, Zirconium explodes in a flash that stuns Lead, and Barium turns Gold into a series of fireworks explosions. Magnus arrives with several fighter jets providing back-up but they can't attack or else Plutonium will have a mammoth atomic explosion. Platinum spindles herself into a thin wire and wraps up the last two evil robots, attaching them to the rocket. She uses a long tendril to launch all three of them into outer space, where Plutonium can safely explode.

The true Doc Magnus restores the male members of the team but is reluctant to resurrect Platinum.

Appearing in "Robots of Terror!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Jane (First appearance)
  • Marsha (First appearance)






  • The final panel encourages readers to send in postcards if they want Platinum revived.
  • Metal Facts and Fancies:
    • One hundred million atoms is one inch long.
    • Atoms form the basis of elements such as gold but different elements can be mixed to form a crystalline structure.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
