DC Database

Midnight is the name of several characters from DC Universe.

David Clark is a masked vigilante who fights crime in a suit and fedora. Using a handgun and his two fists, he cleans up the streets of Big City. In his secret identity he is Dave Clark, a radio announcer at the station UXAM. His original appearances were published by Quality Comics, developing him as a replacement for Will Eisner's The Spirit while Eisner fought in World War II. The character took on a life of his own and was later bought by DC Comics to transplant him into the DC Universe. He has been seen as a member of the Freedom Fighters. David Clark was created by Jack Cole, first appearing in Smash Comics #18. (1941)

M1dn1ght was a computer code incarnate created by Lena Luthor and unintentionally brought to life by Superwoman. She was programmed to free Lena from her dimensional prison. M1dn1ght was created by Kate Perkins and Sami Basri, first appearing in Superwoman #15. (2017)
