DC Database

"Over": At a secret base, the Grandmaster of the Manhunters gathers all of his agents together. Each of them have close ties to a known member of the super-hero community. He outlines his plan to destroy the super-heroes through su

Quote1 This night begins the future for Earth and all the universe! This is -- the Millennium! Quote2
Herupa Hando Hu

Millennium #1 is an issue of the series Millennium (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1988.

Synopsis for "Over"

At a secret base, the Grandmaster of the Manhunters gathers all of his agents together. Each of them have close ties to a known member of the super-hero community. He outlines his plan to destroy the super-heroes through subterfuge. In unison, they all chant the cult's rallying cry, "No man escapes the Manhunters!" On the roof of the building, Tom Kalmaku watches in horror. He runs off to warn Hal Jordan, but a squad of Manhunter androids beat him up and leave him for dead.

Later, the Guardian of the Universe known as Herupa Hando Hu and his consort, the Zamaron, Nadia Safir arrive on Earth. They have been gone for many years. They call together a massive assemblage of super-heroes who all meet at the Green Lantern Citadel in Santa Monica. They tell them that the Millennium is upon them, and the people of Earth play an important role in the world's future. Humanity is evolving and the Guardians and Zamarons want the super-heroes of Earth to protect a group of Chosen humans - a group that will become the next breed of immortals and help to usher in a new era of humanity. They warn the heroes that their ancient adversaries the Manhunters will stop at nothing to see that the Chosen are destroyed. The heroes agree to do everything in their power to track down and protect the Chosen.

As each hero returns to their respective home towns, they begin to discover that someone very near to them is actually a Manhunter sleeper agent.

Appearing in "Over"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Millennium 1
Millennium Crossover
DC Rebirth Logo

The events from this issue are related to Millennium, a 1988 crossover event spanning through all DC Titles, in which the Guardians of the Universe left and Earth was put in danger by the robotic Manhunter Cult.
