DC Database

Miraclo is short for "miraculous vitamin". Concentrated doses of that "vitamin" gave a strength and vigor to test mice several times that of normal. The human body could only process the Miraclo for an hour at a time, whereafter the subject was weakened and returned to human strength levels.

Hourman derives all his super-human abilities from Miraclo.

Official Name: Miraclo
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Model: Model number or type unknown
Version: Version number unknown


Growing up in upstate New York, young Rex Tyler found an affinity for chemistry, particularly those areas involving biology. Working his way through college, he landed a job researching vitamins and hormone supplements at Bannerman Chemical. A series of discoveries and accidents lead him to the "miraculous vitamin" or Miraclo. He found that concentrated doses of that "vitamin" gave a strength and vigor to test mice several times that of normal. Taking a dose, Rex found that his strength and vitality and speed increased to that of super-human levels. However, the human body could only process the Miraclo for an hour at a time, whereafter the subject was weakened and returned to human strength levels.

Keeping the discovery of Miraclo a secret, Tyler decided that human trials would be limited to the only subject he could trust... himself.

Lead Designer: Rex Tyler
Additional Designers: Additional designers unknown
Place of Creation: Bannerman Chemical, New York City
First Appearance: Adventure Comics #48 (March 1940)


Previous Owners: Previous owners unknown.
Current Owner: Current owner unknown.
History: Developed by chemist Rex Tyler.


Dimensions: Dimensions unknown
Weight: xxx lbs (xxx kg)

The active ingredient of Miraclo is a special form of phosphorus, which bonds temporarily with the ATP in muscle cells to create a "Adenosine Quad-Phosphate" which energizes the cells. The energy released gives the subject increased strength, limited invulnerability and heightened stamina for about an hour. After that time, the "AQP" burns itself out, and the waste toxins generated need to be eliminated in the bloodstream over about a 24 hour period.





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  • Hourman

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