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"What? And Give Up Show Business?": Oberon and calls in Max Lord and asks for some help marketing a cleaning spray Scott invented, only to have Funky Flashman sent in. The daring businessman decides to remodel

Quote1 Oh, it's most definitely me, all right! Your old pal, Funky Flashman--in the frankly fabulous flesh! So how's it goin', faithful ones? Maxie sent me. Quote2
Funky Flashman

Mister Miracle (Volume 2) #11 is an issue of the series Mister Miracle (Volume 2) with a cover date of December, 1989.

Synopsis for "What? And Give Up Show Business?"

Oberon and calls in Max Lord and asks for some help marketing a cleaning spray Scott invented, only to have Funky Flashman sent in. The daring businessman decides to remodel Scott's fix-it shop and patent the cleaning spray as the Miracle Mister, putting the hero Mister Miracle as the spokesman to advertise the product. But Scott doesn't want him to use his image as advertising.

Meanwhile, Barda goes to a presentation organized by the town's housewives detailing the research facility Serenity Fields' illegal animal experimentation. The group decides to carry on a peaceful protest in front of the facility.

Scott flies away from his shop to have some privacy and think, only to be interrupted by some armed men demanding him to return their "property", but Scott has no idea what they are talking about. Scott manages to stand his ground against them, and they abort the mission, planning to retrieve their package another time. What doesn't know Scott is that the mysterious package is in his shop, because inside the box Oberon brought in earlier is actually The Head, an old enemy of Mister Miracle.

Appearing in "What? And Give Up Show Business?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Bennie Howard (Single appearance)
  • Ethel (First appearance)
  • Max Lord
  • Parker (Single appearance)





  • Funky Flashman is based on Stan Lee. He uses many similar phrases such as "faithful ones" and "believers in truth".
  • Characters resembling Muppets Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and Beaker appear in this issue.

See Also

Links and References
