- I am astonish that you can theenk so fast weeth such a pretty head!
- — Andre
Modern Comics #101 is an issue of the series Modern Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1950.
Synopsis for Blackhawk: "Creatures from Outer Space"
Appearing in Blackhawk: "Creatures from Outer Space"
Featured Characters:
- Black Star (Dies)
- her rocketship co-pilot (Dies)
Other Characters:
- astronomers all over the world
- atomic plant security riflemen
- atomic plant secretary
- a desert in the United States of America
- an Atomic Plant
- Blackhawk Island
- Black Star's Robots (Destroyed)
- Blackhawk Lockheed F-90Bs
- Black Star's asteroid-resembling space ship
- (actually a rocket-propelled blimp)
- (actually a rocket-propelled blimp)
Synopsis for Torchy: "The Private Secretary Gig"
Torchy takes a bubble bath then she gets a secretary job, and some bad advice from Ed. Due to an improbable misunderstanding she gets a pair of live alligators from an animal importer and one of them playfully bites her skirt off.
Appearing in Torchy: "The Private Secretary Gig"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Tess Parker
- Ed Tracy
- two alligators
Other Characters:
- Mr. Frisby
- Mrs. Frisby
- Shnogil, animal importer
Synopsis for Will Bragg: "The Air Circus"
Appearing in Will Bragg: "The Air Circus"
Featured Characters:
- Will Bragg
Supporting Characters:
- Fire Chief Swenson
- Effy Gissel
- Mrs. Mahoulahan
Other Characters:
- Trixie Moran, stunt pilot
- Moran's stunt biplane
Synopsis for Ezra: "The Bear Scare"
Appearing in Ezra: "The Bear Scare"
Featured Characters:
- Ezra Jones
Supporting Characters:
- Rollo
- Myrna
- Dean Dilsbury
- grizzly bear
- Sawyer's Woods
- Jones' dilapidated jalopy
- Dilsbury's snazzy convertible
- Last issue for Harry Stein as Editor, replaced next issue by Alfred Grenet.
- Stanislaus gets knocked unconscious by a robot front kick, for the fourth concussion of his career.[1] Andre gets punched unconscious by a robot, for at least his eighth concussion.[2] Being a Blackhawk is dangerous.
- Also appearing in this issue of Modern Comics were:
- PSA: "Better Schools Make Better Communities" by Jerry Fasano
- "The Human Reptile" (text story, featuring Blackhawk), by William Woolfolk
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Modern Comics #47, twice in Blackhawk #31, & Modern Comics #101
- ↑ Military Comics #3, Modern Comics #67, Blackhawk #18, Modern Comics #71, Blackhawk #20, Blackhawk #23, Modern Comics #94, & Modern Comics #101
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Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.