Moldacia was a European monarchy, led by Princess Portia.
In the mid-20th Century, in Europe, several traditional hereditary monarchies managed to survive both world wars, remaining independent and retaining their original form of government. Among these were Boravia, Carabas, Cornovia, Gardevia, Gavonia, Granaco, Kravia, Markovia, Moldacia, Norania, Numark, Offalia, Pan Balgravia, Ruina, Sardonia, Solvonia, and Valdania. Others, such as Cerania, Emporia, Patrania, or Resbia, are confirmed to have survived the First World War, but are not known to have survived the second.
Moldacia was a traditional hereditary monarchy until at least the 1970s, at which time Princess Portia commanded her armed forces to invade neighboring San Carlos. Princess Portia was the the American-born movie actress Julie Madison, widow of the late king.
Superman and Batman intervened to restore the pre-invasion status quo.
Points of Interest
- Moldacia shares a border with San Carlos.
- Princess Portia, formerly Miss Julie Madison[1]
See Also
- Appearances of Moldacia
- Location Gallery: Moldacia
- Catalogued images related to Moldacia