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"Spike Spalding": Spike reads the famous story of George Washington and the cherry tree. Deciding to emulate our first president, he takes an axe to his mother's favorite tree. However, his mother is less than pleased with the result, and Spike takes what's coming to him.

More Fun Comics #8 is an issue of the series More Fun Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 1936.

Synopsis for "Spike Spalding"

Spike reads the famous story of George Washington and the cherry tree. Deciding to emulate our first president, he takes an axe to his mother's favorite tree. However, his mother is less than pleased with the result, and Spike takes what's coming to him.

Appearing in "Spike Spalding"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Mrs. Spalding

Synopsis for Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 8"

In Gavonia, Princess Yonda is missing, Sandra resembles her, and Count Taurus demands that Sandra impersonate the missing Princess. She refuses, so Taurus shows Sandra his Dungeon Well, with its Balcony of Doom, an elaborate structure for drowning condemned prisoners. He floods the death chamber, to demonstrate the system, then he orders Lothar and Reynolds to be placed in the Balcony, and threatens to kill them if Sandra does not acquiesce to his demands.

Appearing in Sandra of the Secret Service: "The Gavonian Affair, Part 8"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lothar
  • Reynolds


  • Count Taurus
    • his soldiers

Synopsis for Along the Main Line: "Goat On the Tracks"

While driving the train, Ed encounters a young mother who needs milk for her baby. He promises to find some for her. Finding a goat on the tracks, he sends his brakeman to milk her. The goat is less than pleased with the process, but Ed and Jake get the milk for the mother.

Appearing in Along the Main Line: "Goat On the Tracks"

Featured Characters:

  • Ed, engineer
  • Jake, brakeman

Synopsis for Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 6"

Spike encounters his friend Pincus, who followed when Spike was kidnapped and taken aboard the yacht and hid in the yacht's tool chest. When the cook brings an enormous amount of food for Spike, Pincus hides under the bed, but comes out when Spike gives the all-clear. Expecting plenty of leftovers (which he plans on eating himself), the cook is shocked to see that Spike has apparently eaten the huge dinner himself.

Appearing in Spike Spalding: "Prince of Patrania, Part 6"

Featured Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Pincus
  • Philip of Patrania

Synopsis for "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 6"

With a raging fire burning the blockhouse to the ground, Captain Grim continues his battle against the natives. Suddenly, the ladders holding the natives collapse, plunging them into the flames, and Captain Grim just barely manages to jump to safety in time.

Appearing in "In the Wake of the Wander, Part 6"

Featured Characters:


  • Island of Missing Men

Synopsis for Henri Duval: "Rescuing the King, Part 3"

Henri Duval must protect the King from enemies disguised as musketeers.

Appearing in Henri Duval: "Rescuing the King, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • the King


  • disguised assassins

Synopsis for Ivanhoe: "Episode 8"

Appearing in Ivanhoe: "Episode 8"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Isaac of York


Synopsis for Slim Pickins: "The Haunted House, Part 4"

After the gorilla helps Slim get the better of two counterfeiters hiding in his dead aunt's home, he faces the problem of what to do with him. He brings the beast to a lunch counter, but the gorilla loses its temper and attacks the cook, and the police are called. The gorilla throws pies in the cops' faces, and escapes with Slim and some more pies for dinner.

Appearing in Slim Pickins: "The Haunted House, Part 4"

Featured Characters:


  • a gorilla


  • 2 counterfeiters

Synopsis for Skipper Hicks: "The Mysterious Island Part 3"

On Gillyfish Isle, diamonds are so plentiful they have no value, but pop bottles are rare and precious. King Okey takes the crew on a tour of the isle, and Soupladle helps himself to the "worthless" diamonds.

Appearing in Skipper Hicks: "The Mysterious Island Part 3"

Featured Characters:

  • Skipper Hicks

Other Characters:

  • Soupladle
  • Spongenose
  • King Okey
  • King Dokey

Synopsis for Buckskin Jim: "The Mountain Lion, Part 1"

Having rescued Mary Halliday, the wagon train resumes its journey. Jim tries to cross a canyon by rope, but runs into a mountain lion.

Appearing in Buckskin Jim: "The Mountain Lion, Part 1"

Featured Characters:

  • Buckskin Jim

Other Characters:

  • Zeb Halliday
  • Trapper Pete

Synopsis for "Professor"

With Schnooper and Schnatcher in the hospital, the Professor has to defend himself against would-be kidnappers all alone.

Appearing in "Professor"

Featured Characters:

  • Professor

Other Characters:

  • Schnooper
  • Schnatcher
  • Zoppp

Synopsis for Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 8"

Barry and Le Grand are prisoners aboard Fang Gow's yacht. Though they escape the paralysis ray, they run afoul of Fang-Gow's henchmen.

Appearing in Barry O'Neill: "Fang Gow of China, Part 8"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Synopsis for Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 8"

With Dolores' father thrown from his horse and injured, Jack rescues the other man and places him on Dolores' horse. With Dolores riding to safety, Jack rides to confront the pursuing bandits.

Appearing in Jack Woods: "Pancho Villa, Part 8"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



Synopsis for Ramblin' Jim: "Fishy the Gangster, Part 4"

Jim catches a group of gangsters single handed.

Appearing in Ramblin' Jim: "Fishy the Gangster, Part 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Sheriff Smith
  • Old Scratch


  • Fishy Gill

Synopsis for Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 4"

Cyrus Campbell is murdered and a gang member disguised as prospector Jake tries to infiltrate Bob Merrit's group of aviators.

Appearing in Bob Merritt: "The Mystery Plane, Part 4"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Buzz
  • Shorty


  • gang member

Other Characters:

  • Cyrus Campbell (Dies)

Synopsis for Brad Hardy: "The Black Magician, Part 2"

Hardy, Lorraine and Prince Kardos attempt to escape from the Black Magician. Prince Kardos uses his own magic to provide an escape route, but Lorraine twists her ankle in the process. Pursued by the Black Magician's Rat Men, Hardy and his friends take a side passage, hoping it leads to freedom.

Appearing in Brad Hardy: "The Black Magician, Part 2"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Lorraine Lewis
  • Prince Kardos


  • Black Magician
    • Rat men

Synopsis for Magic Crystal of History: "In Ancient Egypt, Part 8"

Bobby and Binks are about to break through the lines of the enemy surrounding the city, but are captured by the enemy.

Appearing in Magic Crystal of History: "In Ancient Egypt, Part 8"

Featured Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Tutankamen

Synopsis for Don Drake: "Fight With the Sea Beast"

Don Drake volunteers to engage the sea beast in mortal combat. He is lowered by a rope to confront the monster, but Krenon, a jealous captain of the guard, attempts to sever the rope holding Don. Betty rushes to Don's defense, but the Zetrurian priests attack her in turn, and Krenon aims a cannon at Don, intending to kill him directly.

Appearing in Don Drake: "Fight With the Sea Beast"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Betty


  • Krenon
  • Zetrurian priests


  • Drake's atomic energy gun


  • Don and Betty's sphere-ship

Synopsis for Treasure Island: "Episode 4"

Captain Flint's treasure map is revealed

Appearing in Treasure Island: "Episode 4"


  • Dr. Livesey
  • Squire Trelawney
  • Jim Hawkins

Synopsis for Doctor Occult: "The Vampire Master, Part 3"

The Vampire Master uses the Amsters as human pawns in his scheme to entrap Doctor Occult.

Appearing in Doctor Occult: "The Vampire Master, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Vampire Master

Other Characters:

  • Sander Amster
  • Mrs. Amster

Synopsis for Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 8"

Ali Ben Said attacks the Caravan and kidnaps Laurel Deane.

Appearing in Wing Brady: "The Bedouins, Part 8"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Slim


  • Ali Ben Said
    • Bedouin Riffs

Other Characters:

  • Laurel Deane
  • Ibn Hajez

Synopsis for Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 5"

Dewey discovers a mutiny in progress and is captured. The mutineers neutralize the wheel man, and turn their attention to the captain.

Appearing in Midshipman Dewey: "Dewey and the Pirates, Part 5"

Featured Characters:


  • mutineers


  • USS Hornet

Synopsis for 2023: Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw: Part 8, The Avalanche"

Rex and Axel are left dangling over a cliff, while Kiddlaw kidnaps the Professor and Joan.

Appearing in 2023: Super Police: "Captain Kiddlaw: Part 8, The Avalanche"

Featured Characters:


Supporting Characters:


  • the Hi-Lo


  • Published by More Fun Magazine, Inc..
  • Last issue for Ramblin' Jim.
  • The Treasure Island installment covers the second half of Chapter Five and all of Chapter Six of the original novel.
  • Sandra of the Secret Service:
    • In New Fun Comics #2 we learned that Gavonia's ruler is a mad scientist who has invented a death ray, and plans to use it to conquer the world. In this issue's chapter, we find that Gavonia is a hereditary monarchy, with aristocrats, ruled by a beautiful princess.
    • Between issues #s 2 and 8, the writer/artist on this feature changed, twice, from Charles Flanders to Monroe Eisenberg to W.C. Brigham. This may explain why the mad scientist and his death ray fell out of the story.
  • Last DC issue for Skipper Hicks. After this issue, this feature becomes Skipper Ham Shanks, .and migrates to Comics Magazine #1 published by Centaur, and does not return to DC Comics.
  • Spike Spalding by Vincent Sullivan appears twice in this issue.
  • Also appearing in this issue of More Fun Comics were:


  • This installment of Treasure Island covers all of Chapter 7 of the original novel.

See Also

Links and References
