- All those happy people ... That's wrong -- That's terribly wrong! This mustn't be allowed. Bittermen -- unfasten the cages of the wild animals!
- — The Weeper src
The Weeper and his Bitter Men were a gang of criminals that Bulletman and Bulletgirl defeated.
Mortimer Gloom originally worked as a sad circus clown, but was fired for dishonesty, and turned to a life of crime, becoming the murderous villain known as the Weeper. To aid him, he hired a group of ten henchmen known as the Bitter Men, by putting an ad in the newspaper, calling together men who had been dealt a poor hand in life. Mortimer selected the ten with the saddest stories.
At first they struck at joyous public events such as parades and circuses, using tear gas and murdering random bystanders, to spread gloom and despair far and wide. Bulletman and Bulletgirl put a stop to this, but not before many casualties had been inflicted on the people of New York.
The Weeper's later crimes involved telling people sad news, such as telling a family that their son had died in the war, or that a family member just lost their job after years of dutiful service. In reality, the sad news he delivered was all lies, told so that he could case houses for robbery.
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Tear Gas
- This version of the Weeper, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.
- His gang was called the Bitter Men. Even though it's spelled "Bittermen" in that quote above, every other time it appears in the story, it's two words.
- 4 Appearances of Mortimer Gloom (Earth-S)
- 3 Images featuring Mortimer Gloom (Earth-S)
- 1 Quotations by or about Mortimer Gloom (Earth-S)
- Character Gallery: Mortimer Gloom (Earth-S)
Bulletman Villain This character or team was primarily an enemy of Bulletman and Bulletgirl. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Bulletman Villains." |