Mystik U is a limited series originally solicited in 2015 during The New 52 and actually released beginning in November 2017. It stars an alternate universe version of Zatanna who witnesses her father disappear during a magic act and is whisked off to a school for young magicians.
- Mystik U (2018)
See Also
- Zatanna Recommended Reading
- JLA: Zatanna's Search
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Adventure Comics (Volume 1)
- Supergirl (Volume 1)
- Zatanna Special #1
- Zatanna (Volume 1)
- Day of Judgment (Volume 1)
- Reign in Hell (Volume 1)
- Zatanna: Everyday Magic
- Seven Soldiers: Zatanna (Volume 1)
- Zatanna (Volume 2)
- Black Canary and Zatanna: Bloodspell
- Mystik U (Volume 1)