DC Database

Nero (Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 15 December 37 – 9 June 68 AD) was the last Roman emperor of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. He was known as a tyrant who oppressed his own people, especially the growing Christian community.

Nero is famous for setting off a fire that devastated Rome and playing musical instruments. He once encountered Captain Atom when the hero was lost in time following his battle with Monarch; in reality, the famous fire was started by Atom when his powers went berserk and flung him forward in time again.[1] On another occasion, Nero was pulled from his own era, along with other historical figures, to the year of 1942 by a device built by Dr. Doome. There, the "time villains" team helped the scientist, stealing rare metals. Nero and the others were defeated by the Seven Soldiers of Victory.

Later, in 30th Century, the scientist Alaktor used a device to transfer the personalities of Nero, Adolf Hitler, and John Dillinger into the bodies of Ultra-Boy, Superboy, and Mon-El. The powerful trio was defeated by the Legion of Super-Heroes and their minds were returned to their original bodies.




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