DC Database
DC Database

In Nestralia, in the late 1930s, a revolutionary schemer called Rowten plotted to overthrow this country's government. This traitor instead encountered the American adventurer, Tex Thomson, and fought him to a draw. Meanwhile the Nestralian poli

Quote1 Ho! Ho! Is that all? I think that I should tell you of something! I am the champion fencer of Nestralia! Quote2

In the 1930s, Nestralia was a tiny country in southeastern Europe.


In Nestralia, in the late 1930s, a revolutionary schemer called Rowten plotted to overthrow this country's government. This traitor instead encountered the American adventurer, Tex Thomson, and fought him to a draw. Meanwhile the Nestralian police were called in, and Rowten was arrested.


  • Rowten


  • The police in Nestralia wear very Arabian-looking shemaghs.

See Also
