DC Database

The New Batman Adventures is an animated superhero series that served as a direct continuation of Batman: The Animated Series, with the same creative team returning. The series sees Batman continue fighting crime in Gotham City, this time teamed up with Batgirl and a new Robin. Airing on Kids' WB from 1997 to 1999, it alternated its time slot with Superman: The Animated Series on the same network, even crossing over with it in The Batman/Superman Movie.

The series received positive reviews, but was often derided as a slight downgrade from its predecessor, with its more streamlined animation and supernatural storylines. In home media and on Max, the series is often branded as the "fourth season" of BTAS. It directly led into the animated film Batman: Mystery of the Batwoman, the animated series Batman Beyond and Justice League, and was followed up by the comic series Batman: The Adventures Continue decades later.





Season One[]

Episode Air Date No.
"Holiday Knights" September 13, 1997 1
"Sins of the Father" September 20, 1997 2
"Cold Comfort" October 11, 1997 3
"Never Fear" November 1, 1997 6
"You Scratch My Back" November 15, 1997 5
"Double Talk" November 22, 1997 4
"Joker's Millions" February 21, 1998 7
"Growing Pains" February 28, 1998 8
"Mean Seasons" May 4, 1998 13
"The Demon Within" May 9, 1998 18
"Over the Edge" May 23, 1998 12
"Torch Song" June 13, 1998 10
"Love is a Croc" July 11, 1998 9

Season Two[]

Episode Air Date No.
"The Ultimate Thrill" September 14, 1998 11
"Critters" September 18, 1998 15
"Cult of the Cat" September 19, 1998 14
"Animal Act" September 26, 1998 16
"Old Wounds" October 3, 1998 17
"Legends of the Dark Knight" October 10, 1998 19
"Girl's Night Out" October 17, 1998 20
"Chemistry" October 24, 1998 22
"Judgment Day" October 31, 1998 24
"Beware the Creeper" November 7, 1998 23
"Mad Love" January 16th, 1999 21


Superman: The Animated Series[]

Static Shock[]
